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Please click on charities in bold type to see full contact details and further information about their work, and to access their DONATE BUTTONS. Click on any advert to take you through to that charity’s own website.
Since 7th October Manna Meir Panim has been on the front lines, working tirelessly day and night, to help Israel by cooking over 1,000,000 meals for people in need and evacuated families.
We support 2,000 displaced families with accommodation, furniture, food, clothing, household goods, and toys. Together with providing 6,000 meals for soldiers and for evacuated families EVERY DAY.
Our centres distribute 250,000 essential care packages for soldiers and much more.
Hopefully very soon we can reopen our After School Clubs in Sderot.
Patrons: Chief Rabbi Ephraim Mirvis, Rabbi Joseph Dweck, Senior Rabbi, The Sephardi Community.