Please click on charities in bold type to see full contact details and further information about their work, and to access their DONATE BUTTONS. Click on any advert to take you through to that charity’s own website.
(0)20 8202 2323
AJEX Charitable Foundation
AKIM is the national charity providing services for over 30,000 Israeli children and adults with learning difficulties plus over 120,000 family members needing backup and support. AKIM protects the rights of people with learning difficulties, ensuring their equal rights to education, housing and employment.
AKIM provides day care centres for children and adults, around 50 residential homes, hostels and apartments in the community, employment and job placement programmes. Regional branches throughout Israel are mostly run by volunteers or parents of children with learning difficulties and they need our support now. Please help us to ensure that those who might end up living on the edge of society can be included and reach their full potential.
020 8880 2488
Ezer Leyoldos
0161 708 8000
Ezra Care
(0)16 1772 4800
Federation of Jewish Services, Manchester (The Fed)
(0)20 8795 2058
Hospital Kosher Meals Service
Gould Way, Deansbrook Road
Jami is here for when mental illness and distress make everyday life a struggle. In April 2024, Jami integrated with Jewish Care to tackle the community’s unprecedented mental health challenge. Together we are better equipped to respond to the mental health needs of people in secondary school through to people in later life.
Through expert support, provided by people with lived experience of mental health difficulties, Jami guides people through their mental health recovery, supports families and carers, and educates community leaders.
Our life-changing services, offered by qualified social workers, counsellors, occupational therapists, mental health practitioners, peer support workers and volunteers, provide a safe space to talk, social connection, access to work and volunteering opportunities, advice and advocacy, and much more.
221 Golders Green Road
NW11 9DQ
Jewish Care is the leading health and social care charity serving the Jewish community in London and the South East. Our vital services touch the lives of 10,000 people every week. We provide specialist services for older people, people with mental health needs, individuals with physical and sensory disabilities, Holocaust survivors, people who are living with dementia and for those who are caring for others. Most of Jewish Care’s services receive no government funding and rely completely on the generosity of our community.
Jewish Care – making later life better.
For details of Jewish Care services, contact Jewish Care’s Helpline on 020 8922 2222.
(0)14 1620 1800
Jewish Care Scotland
For over 125 years we have worked closely with other Jewish organisations to provide summer holidays for needy and underprivileged Jewish children who would otherwise go without.
During two weeks full of fun and friendship at a residential or local holiday camp they can take part in activities that include outings, quizzes, sports and swimming, whilst they socialise with other children and possibly gain respite from difficult family or personal circumstances.
The camps are strictly Kosher and Shabbat observant. We include camps with children who have disabilities. Subsidies are available and no child is turned away for financial reasons.
Please help us to support the many Jewish children who desperately need and deserve a holiday that many of us take for granted.
NW11 0LR
Jewish Family Centre – Strengthening the Family and the Community
JFC is a grass roots charity, offering:
• Child, adult and family therapies and counselling
• Advocacy with schools, police; social services intervention; legal advocacy
• The Centre is NACCC registered, providing supervised and supported contact and handovers for parents who do not live with their child.
Working community-wide and in partnership with Jewish and non-Jewish organisations, we aim to achieve the best outcomes for families. The JFC runs Early Years developmental programmes – Well Baby Clinic with a Midwife, Nutrition and Lactation Specialists; Music and Movement groups; Art and Messy play; Baby Yoga. The Stay and Play, Fundays, pottery painting and holiday activities for families with children of primary school age are ongoing.
(0)20 8445 8060
Jewish Women’s Aid (JWA)
N3 9EG
Jewish Women’s Aid is the only specialist organisation in the UK supporting Jewish women and girls affected by domestic abuse and sexual violence. No Jewish woman should have to face abuse alone. JWA is here to help.
We deliver specialist practical and emotional support through our professional advocacy service. This includes:
• Safety planning and risk reduction
• Access to legal guidance and support
• Specialist therapy for women and children
• Benefits advice and access to emergency welfare grants
• Religious and cultural support
Our Outreach and Prevention Education Programmes promote awareness of healthy relationships, understanding consent, and recognising signs of abuse. We train Jewish professionals about domestic abuse and non-Jewish professionals about additional obstacles to reporting domestic abuse for Jewish women.
Harmony Way
The founder of the Laniado hospital in Netanya, was R’ Y Halberstam, the Klausenberger Rebbe Z’tl. Following his experiences in the holocaust he decided to build a hospital that works along the principles that kindness, hope, compassion and courage are common threads within humanity that we can use to bind us all.
The hospital treats 100,000 patients annually, irrespective of race or religion; we do not ask our patient’s background – rather how we can best help them.
Over 700 babies are born every month at Laniado’s newly refurbished maternity centre, one of the leading maternity centres in the country. It is difficult to think of a more fitting testament to the greatness of the Jewish people and Jewish survival than this.
311 Stonegate Road
LS17 6AZ
Leeds Jewish Welfare Board aims to support people to live independent, active and fulfilled lives.
At the Marjorie & Arnold Ziff Community Centre we offer a full timetable of activities, a fully supervised Kosher restaurant and café as well as conference and event spaces. You can also visit our charity shop based at Moortown Corner, LS17.
Registered Care & Community Support Services include physical and mental wellbeing support, one to one support, children’s groups, a domiciliary care service (Moorcare) and residential homes for people with learning disabilities.
07561 694300
Lev Tov Match
2 Dollis Park
N3 1HF
Since 7th October Manna Meir Panim has been on the front lines, working tirelessly day and night, to help Israel by cooking over 1,000,000 meals for people in need and evacuated families.
We support 2,000 displaced families with accommodation, furniture, food, clothing, household goods, and toys. Together with providing 6,000 meals for soldiers and for evacuated families EVERY DAY.
Our centres distribute 250,000 essential care packages for soldiers and much more.
Hopefully very soon we can reopen our After School Clubs in Sderot.
Patrons: Chief Rabbi Ephraim Mirvis, Rabbi Joseph Dweck, Senior Rabbi, The Sephardi Community.
(0)15 1733 2292
Merseyside Jewish Community Care
0161 740 0111
Nicky Alliance Centre (The), Manchester
80-82 The Broadway
Middx, HA7 4HB
Norwood is the UK’s oldest Jewish charity providing a lifeline to children and families facing challenges due to learning difficulties, mental health or wellbeing issues and lifelong support for people of any age with learning disabilities or autism. We are dedicated to enabling them to live fulfilling and active lives, taking their rightful place as valued members of society.
Every year, Norwood transforms more than 2,500 lives. When we talk about “Taking on life together”, this is both a promise and a reality – Norwood’s support is for the whole of life and the whole of the family. The services we provide cost £32m to deliver each year, £12m of which is raised through voluntary donation.
Patron: Her Majesty The Queen.
020 7078 0304/020 8450 4533
UK Toremet
70-78 West Hendon Broadway
UK Toremet encourages and simplifies donations to UK, Israeli and other overseas charities. We help donors support the causes that THEY believe in, handling all compliance issues in accordance with UK charity and tax law.
UK Toremet’s Charity Account Management Platform enables rapid and cost-effective donation to qualifying local and overseas charities, including charities listed in the Jewish Charity Guide – if you make your donation by using the DONATE button on the Jewish Charity Guide website, UKT will take care of the rest.
In addition to our activities in the UK, UK Toremet is the driving force behind Giving Ltd (CC), an Israeli charitable initiative working to promote and facilitate a culture of philanthropic giving among Israel’s population.
UK Toremet – facilitating YOUR philanthropy.
(0)20 7319 9169
108 – 110 Finchley Road
WIZO has been changing lives and building futures for over 100 years. As the largest social welfare organization in Israel, with over 800 projects and programmes, WIZO helps vulnerable and disadvantaged citizens, at every stage of life, regardless of race or religion, to become self-sufficient and the best they can be.
WIZO enables 50,000 children to attend day care centres and after-school clubs. 12,650 women benefit from our wide range of services including women’s shelters and legal advice, and 13,500 teenagers participate in life-changing programmes.
Over the past decade, legacy donations to WIZO have funded life-changing projects worth £2.5 million. Thanks to your support, WIZO can continue to provide for children at risk, vulnerable teenagers, and victims of domestic abuse.