Please click on charities in bold type to see full contact details and further information about their work, and to access their DONATE BUTTONS. Click on any advert to take you through to that charity’s own website.
One Bridge Lane
NW11 0EA
Beit Halochem UK is a registered charity which is responsible for raising funds for our four Beit Halochem Rehabilitation Centres in Israel. Beit Halochem is the only official organisation in Israel which looks after the 54,000 wounded IDF veterans and victims of terror. Our facilities provide a blend of exceptional rehabilitative services including physiotherapy, hydrotherapy and chiropractic treatments conducted alongside social and specialised sport options, educational programmes, and a vast range of creative activities.
At the core of Beit Halochem’s mission is the commitment to assisting these extraordinary individuals in reclaiming as much of a normal life as possible after making immense sacrifices to safeguard the State of Israel and its people.
Rutland Gardens
Ben-Gurion University of the Negev (BGU), led by President Daniel Chamovitz, is one of Israel’s leading institutions of higher educational learning. A recognised national and global leader in many fields, actively encouraging multi-disciplinary collaborations with government and industry, and nurturing entrepreneurship and innovation in all its forms. Since 2019, BGU has consistently been included in PitchBook’s top half rankings of 100 undergraduate programmes globally that produce the most VC-backed entrepreneurs.
Ingrained in the DNA of BGU is a strong social conscience. Over a third of students volunteer in one of the world’s most developed community action programmes.
Ben-Gurion University Foundation supports and promotes BGU.
By reimagining rehabilitation, ADI is advancing ability for all – empowering children, adolescents and adults with severe disabilities and providing cutting edge therapeutic and recovery services for anyone touched by disability.
ADI provides its residents and special education students with the individualized growth plans and specialized services they need to grow and thrive, its rehabilitation patients with the inpatient and outpatient treatments and therapies they need to heal and return to their lives, and the community at large with tangible opportunities for encountering disability, raising awareness, and promoting acceptance.
(0)20 7486 7394
British Friends of Bar-Ilan University
020 8457 2642
British Friends of Gesher
020 7167 9150
British Friends of Haifa University
120 Regents Park Road
N3 3HY
British Friends of Rambam was established to support the largest hospital in Northern Israel, Rambam Health Care Campus in Haifa, a 1,100-bed academic hospital serving over 2.5 million residents.
Rambam Healthcare Campus is world-renowned for its vast experience in Oncology, Cardiology, R&D, mental health and treating trauma patients during peacetime and war. As the referral centre for 12 district hospitals and the only Level-1 trauma centre in Northern Israel, Rambam’s patient and staff population is diverse, including Jews, Christians, Muslims and Druze.
Currently prepared for any scenario, Rambam is home to the 2000-bed Sammy Ofer Fortified Underground Emergency Hospital – a 1,500 space car park in peacetime, which seamlessly converts, within hours, to a fortified hospital protected against missiles and other lethal threats.
Herzog Medical Centre, established in 1894 is Israel’s foremost centre for geriatric, rehabilitation, respiratory, mental health and psychotrauma care, treatment and research. Since the war started we have received close to 100 patients from hospitals in the South in order to make more beds available at hospitals in those regions. Our 160-bed sheltered emergency underground hospital has been activated.
We have dramatically expanded all of our mental health and psychotrauma services to help the thousands of people affected emotionally by the war. We are working with the soldiers, survivors of the massacre on October 7, and families evacuated from their homes, to assist them to begin to deal with the short-term and long-term mental health challenges they face.
Trustees: Jonathan Lauffer, Stephen Forman, Rachelle Goldberg, Michael Fertleman
Theobald Street
Borehamwood, Herts.
Shalva, the Israel Association for the Care and Inclusion of Persons with Disabilities, is dedicated to providing transformative care for individuals with disabilities, empowering their families and promoting social inclusion. Non-denominational, Shalva’s programmes provide an all-encompassing range of services for thousands of individuals from infancy to adulthood. Additionally, Shalva supports and enables families to raise their children with disabilities within the family framework. Through more than three decades of award-winning programmes, Shalva partners with various institutions in advocacy efforts and is a leader in inclusion activities.
The Shalva National Centre’s advanced programmes and facilities create new frontiers in disability rehabilitation, research, and inclusion; defining new standards in the field and impacting the world beyond those in Shalva’s direct care.
(0)20 8209 3010
British Friends of Shuvu
168 Shoreditch High Street
E1 6RA
The British Friends of the Art Museums of Israel (BFAMI) is a not-for-profit organization dedicated to raise funds to support educational programmes run by the Art Museums of Israel. These programmes share the rich artistic culture and history of Israel alongside prominent international contemporary art, with future generations across all strata of society. We focus our fund-raising endeavours to support educational programmes targeted at more vulnerable social groups such as children from deprived backgrounds, terminally ill children in hospitals and new immigrants suffering from negative social stigma to name a few. Together with these we support programmes reaching the gifted and talented, as well as Israeli soldiers.
32 Hampstead High Street
Established in 1982, the Jaffa Institute is at the forefront of poverty alleviation in Israel. Our mission is to achieve a lasting solution to the poverty which has been entrenched within the communities of Jaffa, south Tel Aviv and Bat Yam for generations. In addition to providing educational programming designed to ensure that the children in our care graduate from high school and achieve a good standard of living as adults, our holistic approach also includes emergency and long-term care facilities for at-risk children, the provision of higher education scholarships to disadvantaged youths, musical enrichment programming, food distribution, vocational training courses and therapeutic care. Through over 30 different programmes, our services reach 4,000 Israelis on an annual basis.
Lyttelton House, 2 Lyttelton Road,
N2 0EF
United Hatzalah is the largest independent, non-profit, Emergency Medical Service in Israel whose service is delivered solely by community-based, trained volunteer medics. It aims to plug the gap between when an emergency call is made and the time an ambulance arrives. Our average response time is just three minutes (90 seconds in some urban areas), providing the fastest emergency medical response across the country and, ultimately, resulting in many more lives being saved.
Our service is funded entirely through donations and is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week, 365 days a year. It is free to anyone that needs it, regardless of insurance status, religion or nationality.
Located on Kibbutz Sde Eliyahu, Campus “Habayta” opened its doors in August 2018. The goal of Habayta is to give young Orthodox Jewish adults, from all over the globe, a warm and supportive environment to start their lives in Israel.
Programs housed in the campus are:
Jewish Agency and MASA Hebrew Ulpan
Garin Tzabar: Lone soldier housing – during and after their service.
The word ‘Habayta’ means ‘home’. Campus Habayta is just that for so many lone soldiers; a home that embraces these young people, who deserve it.
M8 9UE
Every day, thousands of Israeli women are asked to decide between paying their bills and having their babies. Over 35,000 women throughout Israel have abortions each year, often due to extreme financial stress. Together, we can change that.
Efrat has been giving hope to thousands of women each year to make sure they can continue their pregnancies and give birth to their babies with joy and dignity. Efrat provides over 3,000 women with all of the basic needs of a new-born including a cot, buggy, baby bath, and the promise of continued monthly support of diapers, baby formula and more, for 24 months after the baby is born.
Help us continue to grow – the cost of saving one child is £120 but any amount can help.
020 8203 6066
(0)20 8458 9999
Ezer Mizion (British Friends of)
FJRO was created in1919 and in the last ten years has developed numerous projects in Israel in cooperation with The Jaffa Institute (education for children from problematic backgrounds) and providing food and clothing for deprived families; the Forgotten People Fund (supporting the Ethiopian community with education and equipment), and Karmey Chesed (supporting families in poverty and distributing food parcels). It makes a number of other donations to charities in Israel and England, particularly for Norwood and the Jewish Community Secondary School.
FJRO is supported by the Christadelphian Community for the benefit of ‘The Children of Israel’.
Please consider us when making a donation or writing your Will, so that we can continue to offer these essential services to Jewish
families in the UK and Israel.
Additional phone number: 07930 846135
ALYN Hospital, Israel’s ONLY comprehensive paediatric and adolescent rehabilitation centre, is recognized as one of the world’s leading specialists in the active and intensive rehabilitation of physically challenged children and young adults.
ALYN treats patients regardless of religious or ethnic background who suffer from a wide range of congenital and acquired conditions. More than 3,500 children, including some from abroad, are treated at ALYN Hospital every year. The ultimate aim of ALYN Hospital’s multidisciplinary staff is to rehabilitate the youngsters in its care and to return them to their families and to the community as quickly as possible having helped them achieve the highest possible levels of function, mobility and independence.
0800 075 7200
Friends of Nefesh B’Nefesh
(0)20 8211 1023
Friends of Rachashei Lev
(0)20 7292 2060
Friends of the Israel Cancer Association
(+972) 3 6918403
I.D.F. Widows & Orphans Organisation
Borehamwood, Herts.
The Israel Guide Dog Centre (IGDC), established in 1991, offers a beacon of light and hope for people with blindness or PTSD, and families of children with autism. The unique bond between a dog and its partner brings companionship, confidence, and ultimately independence for the partner, helping them cope with day-to-day activities, employment, education, social events, and travel.
We provide guide dogs for people with vision impairment and specially-trained service dogs for people suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder. And we also enable children with autism to have a higher quality of life by providing them with emotional support dogs.
We provide all our services free of charge and rely on charitable donations from donors in Israel and around the world.
07980 451912
Israeli Dance Institute (IDI)
116 Ballards Lane
N3 2DN
The Israeli Dance Institute (IDI) is a UK educational charity which nurtures the flame of Jewish identity with Israel at its heart, through Israeli dance. We develop special programmes, train teachers and youth leaders, and run classes for new and experienced dancers. We work with teachers in some 30 schools working with over 4,000 children in the UK. We run a major summer course, Machol Europa, which brings teachers and enthusiasts from around the world. More than 18,000 children worldwide, in Jewish communities emerging or distressed, benefit from this programme. We also have four performing groups, from children to adults, which represent the community at communal and interfaith events.
Founded by legendary Mayor Teddy Kollek over fifty years ago the Jerusalem Foundation’s mission is to shape a modern, unified and vibrant city by creating opportunities for all of Jerusalem’s population groups. Identifying and funding projects to aid and promote communal strength, arts and culture, future leadership and education, and heritage preservation. The Foundation builds philanthropic partnerships and matches donors to worthy projects, preserving the city’s past and laying the groundwork for a dynamic future.
The Jerusalem Foundation – Your share in Jerusalem.
(0)20 8732 6100
For 120 years, JNF UK has played an integral part in Israel’s development, strengthening every aspect of Israeli life in the peripheries – from investing in infrastructure projects and employment opportunities to empowering the less able and underprivileged. We have built educational institutions, helped youth programmes, provided for people with special needs and brought life to remote desert towns. None of this would be possible without the ongoing support of the Jewish community for both Israel and JNF UK.
2 Dollis Park
N3 1HF
Magen David Adom is the Red Shield that protects Israel 24/7/365
Magen David Adom is Israel’s only national blood and medical emergency service, which was established long before Israel itself. For 75 years, Magen David Adom UK has raised funds to support this life-saving organisation which benefits ALL of Israel’s citizens during times of peace and war.
Magen David Adom’s Blood Service is considered one of the most advanced blood services in the world. The blood services team is responsible for the collection, processing and distribution of Israel’s national blood supply, amounting to approximately 400,000 units a year, keeping the country fully stocked and, in doing so, saving thousands of lives each year.
N20 9HR
The Malki Foundation supports hundreds of Israeli families who care at home for a child with severe disabilities. We provide them with the means to obtain paramedical therapy sessions, (physical, occupational, speech, hydrotherapy and therapeutic horse riding) which are essential for the children’s development, allowing them to acquire vital skills and independence and encourage their integration into everyday life activities, when funding from the Israeli government is unavailable.
For families in Israel’s peripheral communities where therapists are scarce and travelling distances are a hardship on the parents, our supervised therapists travel directly to the child’s home. The therapies we provide enable families to keep their child with severe special needs at home rather than succumb to institutionalisation for lack of realistic alternatives.
104 Grafton Road
The New Israel Fund UK stands for a just, safe and equal Israel. We partner with and fund Israeli organisations that strengthen democracy and deliver a fairer society for all.
Through our work we:
• Empower minorities and marginalised people
• Defend human rights for Israelis and Palestinians
• Advance partnership between Arabs and Jews
Since October 7th we have provided immediate assistance and mental health support to over 30,000 evacuees and the most vulnerable, prevented violence in Mixed Cities and we are now working to build a different future, to train leaders who will bring about solutions for a democratic and shared future.
We hope you will consider joining our growing UK and global community built on support for Israel and dedication to our shared values.
(0)20 8952 4717
Oasis of Peace UK
44a Albert Road
At Ohel Sarah, our mission is to enrich the quality of life for 800 children and adults with cognitive and physical disabilities in cental Israel, by providing comprehensive, loving support in education, employment and independent living.
We provide care from age six until end of life, giving our members a home for life. We aim to to help each person learn and develop life skills, so they can become confident, independent and contributing members of society.
+972 54 2258886
Olim Beyahad
(0)20 8371 1500
Operation Wheelchairs Committee
N12 2GD
Save A Child’s Heart is an Israeli based international humanitarian charity providing lifesaving heart surgery and follow-up care for children from developing countries, regardless of race, religion, gender, nationality or financial status. To date we have carried out almost 7000 lifesaving surgeries on children from over 70 countries at no cost to the patients. We also train medical personnel from developing countries in paediatric cardiology:140 to date.
With the opening of our new hospital, we will now be able to increase the number of children treated and doctors and clinicians trained.
Winners of the UN Population Award 2018. Mending Hearts – Building Bridges
00 972 2 640 50010
Seeach Sod
Theobald Street
Opening our doors in 1902, Shaare Zedek Medical Centre has been treating and caring for patients for over 120 years. With advanced medicine and compassionate care, Shaare Zedek is known as much for the dedication and commitment of its medical teams as it is for its internationally acclaimed centres of medical excellence.
Patients have nicknamed Shaare Zedek the ‘Hospital with a Heart. With close to 100 departments serving more than half a million patients annually, it is the fastest growing hospital in the region and continues to respond to the needs of Jerusalem’s uniquely diverse population. Shaare Zedek’s friends in the UK play a crucial role in enabling the hospital to maintain and develop its ‘innovative medicine in the heart of Jerusalem’.
Woodford Bridge Road
Essex, 1G4 5LN
The Fund, established in honour of the late Dr I Sidney Gold, first President of the Redbridge Jewish Youth & Community Centre, promotes the Doris and Sidney Gold/RAGS Scholarships. The driving concerns of his life were young people, Israel and Jewish community service and appropriately these scholarships combine all three elements. Selected Jewish students in the Essex area are assisted in funding a pre-university year on an approved study and training course in Israel with the understanding that they have a commitment to future communal involvement. The scheme’s success over nearly two decades has been the number of the Scholars who have become deeply involved in community leadership. Extra funds will enable more worthy young people to be assisted.
020 8732 6145
Make your money work smarter and harder. SmartGiving™ is a tax efficient way of managing all charitable giving for individuals, companies, philanthropists, charities and fundraisers. SmartGiving™ can help with choosing the right charity, keeping track of how much you’re giving and making sure your donations are tax-effective.
With a SmartGiving™ Charity Account you can set aside funds so you can make a difference when you want to. It’s simple and stress-free.
SmartGiving™ also offers a HMRC approved Payroll Giving service and can support companies to set up CSR programmes enabling employees to raise money that can be matched through corporation tax profits.
When you give through SmartGiving™, you’re making a difference to causes that you care about.
020 7495 6824
Technion UK (formerly the British Technion Society)
Crewys Road
Tel Aviv University Trust (TAU Trust) supports Tel Aviv University (TAU), Israel’s most prestigious and comprehensive institution of higher learning. TAU represents Israel at its best- dynamic, innovative, and forward-looking. With some 30,000 students, TAU offers 128 schools and departments across the spectrum of sciences, humanities, and arts together with Israel’s biggest and most influential medical teaching and research complex. The University’s senior faculty, 1,000 strong, conducts over 3,500 projects annually, at 400 laboratories.
TAU is recognised internationally for creating an innovation and entrepreneurship culture on campus that has spawned a great deal of inventions, start-ups, and economic and social development in Israel. TAU ranks an impressive 7th in the world for producing graduates that found successful VC-backed companies (Pitchbook 2023).
(0)20 7424 6431
07947 695136
UK Friends of Mayanei Hayeshua (now known as British Friends of)
020 8953 6474
UK Friends of Schneider Children’s Hospital
1a Frognal
Weizmann UK supports and raises awareness of the Weizmann Institute of Science in Israel. It is one of the world’s highest ranking multidisciplinary scientific research institutes. Its dedicated scientists are working on over 1000 projects ranging from Alzheimer’s to astrophysics, from cancer to computer science, from nutrition to nanotechology. They are following their curiosity to make discoveries that aim to solve humanity’s greatest challenges.
Our role at Weizmann UK is to fundraise to support the Institute’s invaluable work and communicate its scientific breakthroughs. We promote collaboration between the Institute and UK Universities and we encourage sixth-form students to take part in the Institute’s educational programmes. We host events to fundraise for and show-case the extraordinary work of the Weizmann Institute.
Yad Vashem UK Foundation supports the educational and memorialisation resources of Yad Vashem, the World Holocaust Remembrance Centre.
We annually sponsor 20 UK educators from Jewish schools and organisations to attend the International School of Holocaust Studies at Yad Vashem for their Teachers’ Seminar to enhance their skills at teaching the Holocaust.
Yad Vashem UK raises awareness through its Guardian of the Memory project, ensuring that every named Jewish victim has a memorial candle lit in their memory on HMD and Yom HaShoah.
Our successful Bar Mitzvah and Bat Mitzvah Twinning programmes ensure meaningful and well researched links are made between those who can celebrate these important Jewish life cycle events and young Jewish victims who tragically died in the Holocaust.
N3 3LF
In Israel today, there are over 400,000 children who are deemed ‘at risk’ and who do not have a family that can care for them adequately. Youth Aliyah Child Rescue is stepping up for vulnerable young people by providing a ladder of opportunity that enables them to climb from a life of poverty, neglect and violence, up towards a bright, successful future as contributing members of society.
Through our five youth villages and pioneering educational methodology, the ‘Village Way’, we enable thousands of at risk children – including immigrants and children of immigrants from Ethiopia, the former Soviet Union and around the world – to live in safety, heal from their traumatic pasts and make the climb from survival to leadership.