Please click on charities in bold type to see full contact details and further information about their work, and to access their DONATE BUTTONS. Click on any advert to take you through to that charity’s own website.
020 8905 6333
Larches Community
+972 54 2258886
Olim Beyahad
147 Arlington Road
ORT UK is part of the ORT global network, which has been transforming lives through education since 1880. From its origins, teaching impoverished Russian Jews essential trades, ORT has evolved to provide 21st century skills to empower people and strengthen communities. The ORT network reaches over 200,000 people a year in more than 40 countries through schools and training programmes.
ORT UK was founded in 1921 to fundraise for ORT’s international projects and teach skilled trades to Jewish communities trapped in poverty.
Today, ORT UK supports global projects through fundraising events. ORT UK is also bridging the gap between school and the workplace through its career-related programmes including the ORT JUMP Mentoring Programme and the ORT JUMP Employability Skills Programmes.
14 Arcadia Avenue,
N3 2JU
Resource is the Jewish community’s go-to resource helping people get back into employment. We work with our clients to boost their confidence and build their skills, empowering them to find and secure the right job. Our highly skilled, professional volunteers and our small team of staff support over 1,000 people each year in their job search. Thanks to the support of our donors all our services are free. Dedicated advisors give each client expert advice and guidance, tailoring their journey of 1:1 support, workshops and seminars.
Based in North London, our services are available nationwide. Clients can access a wide range of services, including writing effective CVs and applications, networking, psychometric profiling, IT skills, and mock interviews.
020 8346 4000
Redbourne Avenue
N3 2BS
Work Avenue assists people in earning a living either through helping people into work or assisting businesses to develop and flourish. We create opportunities for everyone, at any life stage, in any situation and provide people with essential lifelong skills, enabling them to become financially independent to support themselves and their families.
Employment Support: enabling people to make informed career choices; training in employability and workplace skills; offering one-to-one information, advice and guidance, group workshops and larger events.
Business Support: supporting entrepreneurs to increase the long-term sustainability of their businesses through one-to-one advice and guidance, group workshops and larger events; access to start up loans; mentoring, and co-working space.