Please click on charities in bold type to see full contact details and further information about their work, and to access their DONATE BUTTONS. Click on any advert to take you through to that charity’s own website.
For the past 25 years Aish UK has aimed to inspire a deeper connection to Judaism and to ensure a vibrant future for the Jewish people. Through diverse educational opportunities, immersive experiences and enduring relationships we share the wisdom and beauty of Jewish faith, practice and community – connecting with as many young Jews as we can, whatever their background, from when they are about to leave home until they build their own.
Today, Aish UK operates eight full time branches and provides educational opportunities at over eighteen schools, fifteen universities and six young professional hubs around the country, reaching and impacting thousands of young Jews each year. We also regularly distribute educational and video content through magazine publications,
By reimagining rehabilitation, ADI is advancing ability for all – empowering children, adolescents and adults with severe disabilities and providing cutting edge therapeutic and recovery services for anyone touched by disability.
ADI provides its residents and special education students with the individualized growth plans and specialized services they need to grow and thrive, its rehabilitation patients with the inpatient and outpatient treatments and therapies they need to heal and return to their lives, and the community at large with tangible opportunities for encountering disability, raising awareness, and promoting acceptance.
120 Regents Park Road
N3 3HY
British Friends of Rambam was established to support the largest hospital in Northern Israel, Rambam Health Care Campus in Haifa, a 1,100-bed academic hospital serving over 2.5 million residents.
Rambam Healthcare Campus is world-renowned for its vast experience in Oncology, Cardiology, R&D, mental health and treating trauma patients during peacetime and war. As the referral centre for 12 district hospitals and the only Level-1 trauma centre in Northern Israel, Rambam’s patient and staff population is diverse, including Jews, Christians, Muslims and Druze.
Currently prepared for any scenario, Rambam is home to the 2000-bed Sammy Ofer Fortified Underground Emergency Hospital – a 1,500 space car park in peacetime, which seamlessly converts, within hours, to a fortified hospital protected against missiles and other lethal threats.
Theobald Street
Borehamwood, Herts.
Shalva, the Israel Association for the Care and Inclusion of Persons with Disabilities, is dedicated to providing transformative care for individuals with disabilities, empowering their families and promoting social inclusion. Non-denominational, Shalva’s programmes provide an all-encompassing range of services for thousands of individuals from infancy to adulthood. Additionally, Shalva supports and enables families to raise their children with disabilities within the family framework. Through more than three decades of award-winning programmes, Shalva partners with various institutions in advocacy efforts and is a leader in inclusion activities.
The Shalva National Centre’s advanced programmes and facilities create new frontiers in disability rehabilitation, research, and inclusion; defining new standards in the field and impacting the world beyond those in Shalva’s direct care.
(0)20 8209 3010
British Friends of Shuvu
168 Shoreditch High Street
E1 6RA
The British Friends of the Art Museums of Israel (BFAMI) is a not-for-profit organization dedicated to raise funds to support educational programmes run by the Art Museums of Israel. These programmes share the rich artistic culture and history of Israel alongside prominent international contemporary art, with future generations across all strata of society. We focus our fund-raising endeavours to support educational programmes targeted at more vulnerable social groups such as children from deprived backgrounds, terminally ill children in hospitals and new immigrants suffering from negative social stigma to name a few. Together with these we support programmes reaching the gifted and talented, as well as Israeli soldiers.
32 Hampstead High Street
Established in 1982, the Jaffa Institute is at the forefront of poverty alleviation in Israel. Our mission is to achieve a lasting solution to the poverty which has been entrenched within the communities of Jaffa, south Tel Aviv and Bat Yam for generations. In addition to providing educational programming designed to ensure that the children in our care graduate from high school and achieve a good standard of living as adults, our holistic approach also includes emergency and long-term care facilities for at-risk children, the provision of higher education scholarships to disadvantaged youths, musical enrichment programming, food distribution, vocational training courses and therapeutic care. Through over 30 different programmes, our services reach 4,000 Israelis on an annual basis.
221 Golders Green Road
NW11 9DQ
Camp Simcha is a lifeline to seriously ill Jewish children and their families throughout the UK, whatever their level of observance. We support children with over 50 serious, life-changing and life-threatening medical conditions, including, but not limited to, cancer, degenerative disorders, cardiac conditions, premature and sick babies, serious mental health conditions, rare genetic disorders, chronic illness and serious acute accidents or illnesses.
Camp Simcha provides bespoke practical and therapeutic support, as well as activities designed to bring hope and joy at the darkest of times. We help the whole family: parents, the seriously ill child and siblings, who are often the forgotten sufferer when a child is ill.
Located on Kibbutz Sde Eliyahu, Campus “Habayta” opened its doors in August 2018. The goal of Habayta is to give young Orthodox Jewish adults, from all over the globe, a warm and supportive environment to start their lives in Israel.
Programs housed in the campus are:
Jewish Agency and MASA Hebrew Ulpan
Garin Tzabar: Lone soldier housing – during and after their service.
The word ‘Habayta’ means ‘home’. Campus Habayta is just that for so many lone soldiers; a home that embraces these young people, who deserve it.
020 8203 6066
020 8445 6070
FJRO was created in1919 and in the last ten years has developed numerous projects in Israel in cooperation with The Jaffa Institute (education for children from problematic backgrounds) and providing food and clothing for deprived families; the Forgotten People Fund (supporting the Ethiopian community with education and equipment), and Karmey Chesed (supporting families in poverty and distributing food parcels). It makes a number of other donations to charities in Israel and England, particularly for Norwood and the Jewish Community Secondary School.
FJRO is supported by the Christadelphian Community for the benefit of ‘The Children of Israel’.
Please consider us when making a donation or writing your Will, so that we can continue to offer these essential services to Jewish
families in the UK and Israel.
Additional phone number: 07930 846135
ALYN Hospital, Israel’s ONLY comprehensive paediatric and adolescent rehabilitation centre, is recognized as one of the world’s leading specialists in the active and intensive rehabilitation of physically challenged children and young adults.
ALYN treats patients regardless of religious or ethnic background who suffer from a wide range of congenital and acquired conditions. More than 3,500 children, including some from abroad, are treated at ALYN Hospital every year. The ultimate aim of ALYN Hospital’s multidisciplinary staff is to rehabilitate the youngsters in its care and to return them to their families and to the community as quickly as possible having helped them achieve the highest possible levels of function, mobility and independence.
(0)20 8211 1023
Friends of Rachashei Lev
Gateshead Talmudical College, popularly known as Gateshead Yeshiva, are proud of the 6000+ alumni since its founding in 1929. An iconic landmark in the Jewish world of learning as largest Torah Academy in Europe, Gateshead Yeshiva prepares students for the challenges ahead and has enabled many to take up positions of leadership in Jewish Communities across the Globe as Rabbis, Ministers, Teachers and lay leaders.
With facilities for over 400 students on campus, the Academy continues to provide grounded traditional education adapting to the ever changing challenges of the modern world.
The Academy has traditionally provided full and partial scholarships and will never deny a student the opportunity to shine due to financial constraints.
Established in 2004, with bases in London, Manchester and Jerusalem, GIFT’s mission is to inspire and enable lifelong giving. Our schools’ programme sees a curriculum of impactful, thought provoking and practical sessions. Our B’nei Mitzvah giving sessions are fun, hands-on and educational, teaching giving at a crucial age.
Thousands of hours are given each year by GIFT’s volunteers, through the distribution of hundreds of weekly support packages to disadvantaged households. GIFT engages thousands of volunteers in myriad diverse opportunities from tutoring children struggling with school work; cleaning up our parks; offering practical support to families who face daily challenges, through home visits; prescription shopping, and befriending those elderly and living alone.
The Holocaust Educational Trust works to ensure that people from every background, across the UK, are educated about the Holocaust and the important lessons to be learned for today.
We work in schools, universities and in the community to raise awareness through our Outreach initiatives, Ambassador Programme, Teacher Training programme and educational materials. Since 1999, our Lessons from Auschwitz Project has given over 45,000 post-16 students and teachers the opportunity to visit Auschwitz-Birkenau.
As global antisemitism rises and polarisation and violence escalate, we believe that education remains the key in combatting the world’s oldest hatred. Through our work, we will ensure that ‘Never Again’ is never allowed to ring hollow.
(+972) 3 6918403
I.D.F. Widows & Orphans Organisation
07980 451912
Israeli Dance Institute (IDI)
116 Ballards Lane
N3 2DN
The Israeli Dance Institute (IDI) is a UK educational charity which nurtures the flame of Jewish identity with Israel at its heart, through Israeli dance. We develop special programmes, train teachers and youth leaders, and run classes for new and experienced dancers. We work with teachers in some 30 schools working with over 4,000 children in the UK. We run a major summer course, Machol Europa, which brings teachers and enthusiasts from around the world. More than 18,000 children worldwide, in Jewish communities emerging or distressed, benefit from this programme. We also have four performing groups, from children to adults, which represent the community at communal and interfaith events.
Founded by legendary Mayor Teddy Kollek over fifty years ago the Jerusalem Foundation’s mission is to shape a modern, unified and vibrant city by creating opportunities for all of Jerusalem’s population groups. Identifying and funding projects to aid and promote communal strength, arts and culture, future leadership and education, and heritage preservation. The Foundation builds philanthropic partnerships and matches donors to worthy projects, preserving the city’s past and laying the groundwork for a dynamic future.
The Jerusalem Foundation – Your share in Jerusalem.
Arcadia Avenue
N3 2JU
Jewish Child’s Day (JCD) is the UK’s leading grant giving Jewish charity. We have been transforming the lives of over 1.5 million children in need, worldwide, for 76 years.
We use grant funding to support organisations who help us to ensure that NO Jewish child should live in hardship, need, pain or suffering — anywhere. Each year, over 25,000 Jewish children rely upon us to save them from deprivation, disadvantage, abuse and neglect. We are there to nurture them and offer them a better, brighter future.
With your help, Jewish Child’s Day, will continue to support dozens of organisations providing medical, educational, therapeutic and humanitarian aid, respite care, protection, and poverty relief to children in need in the UK, Israel and worldwide!
Our considered response to the ever growing challenge of Jewish engagement is Jewish Futures: a singular strategic platform that creates and unites diverse educational organisations and initiatives, propelling each to ensure a future where every single Jew is meaningfully engaged.
To date and through our combined efforts, we continue to make a measurable and real impact on the shape of the Jewish community in the UK. Built upon decades of Jewish educational experience, Jewish Futures organizations represent a broad portfolio of dynamic and innovative initiatives and programmes. Each organization has a proud record of success in attracting, educating and inspiring young Jewish people.
A charitable investment in Jewish Futures is a palpable contribution to Jewish continuity that ensures bright Jewish futures.
(0)20 8989 8990
Jewish Lads’ and Girls’ Brigade
NW11 8HE
The Jewish Learning Exchange in the heart of Golders Green has now enthused the hearts and minds of thousands of young Jews for over 30 years! Our educational approach is to share a deeper meaning and greater relevance of Judaism in a way which creates a lasting impression in the everyday lives of our students. Our vision is to continue to inspire Young Jews across the UK through learning and education making Judaism relevant and meaningful in the 21st Century.
Our programmes in schools, on campus and with young professionals continue to make a meaningful difference to thousands of Jewish lives. Your support will ensure we can affect thousands more for many years to come!
020 8203 6311
Jewish Marriage Council
In this generation, Jewish continuity, engagement and commitment cannot be taken for granted. Studies have shown that immersive Jewish educational experiences have enduring impact on the life choices of young people.
Jroots exists in order to facilitate impactful Jewish travel experiences to places of historic significance worldwide. Jroots has a track record of success in engendering a powerful sense of Jewish pride and communal responsibility amongst its students. The flagship Jroots Poland trip has been adopted by schools, student groups and communities nationwide as the gold standard of Jewish informal educational experiences. Over 70 groups each year participate on such life-changing journeys, often involving subsidies of over £500 per student.
333 Edgware Road
Kisharon Langdon offers education, opportunity and support for people within the Jewish learning disability and autism community, and their families, throughout life’s journey. Kisharon Langdon’s supported living and education services, together with our community programming and employment support services, enable everyone we support to thrive.
At the heart of all our services lie our Jewish values. We are committed to meeting unique religious and cultural needs, fostering an inclusive environment, and enabling the people that we support to realise their ambitions and aspirations.
Shaftesbury Avenue,
Maccabi GB’s vision is for a healthy, active and proud Jewish community integrated within British society.
Our mission is to create inclusive sporting, community and educational experiences that strengthen Jewish identity, enhance wellbeing and inspire engagement in the Jewish community, Israel and beyond by:
Creating sporting opportunities that support health and wellbeing and Jewish identity.
Facilitating leadership, educational and cohesion-building activities, within the Jewish community and beyond.
Strengthening connections across the Jewish community and Israel, by creating community-wide experiences bringing people together.
Creating safe spaces where people feel confident and have the tools to address discrimination, criticism, harassment or other emotional or physical harm.
Engaging with our affiliates and partners at home and in Israel as part of the international Maccabi movement.
(0)20 8441 6051
Maccabi London Brady Recreational Trust
N20 9HR
The Malki Foundation supports hundreds of Israeli families who care at home for a child with severe disabilities. We provide them with the means to obtain paramedical therapy sessions, (physical, occupational, speech, hydrotherapy and therapeutic horse riding) which are essential for the children’s development, allowing them to acquire vital skills and independence and encourage their integration into everyday life activities, when funding from the Israeli government is unavailable.
For families in Israel’s peripheral communities where therapists are scarce and travelling distances are a hardship on the parents, our supervised therapists travel directly to the child’s home. The therapies we provide enable families to keep their child with severe special needs at home rather than succumb to institutionalisation for lack of realistic alternatives.
44a Albert Road
At Ohel Sarah, our mission is to enrich the quality of life for 800 children and adults with cognitive and physical disabilities in cental Israel, by providing comprehensive, loving support in education, employment and independent living.
We provide care from age six until end of life, giving our members a home for life. We aim to to help each person learn and develop life skills, so they can become confident, independent and contributing members of society.
N12 2GD
Save A Child’s Heart is an Israeli based international humanitarian charity providing lifesaving heart surgery and follow-up care for children from developing countries, regardless of race, religion, gender, nationality or financial status. To date we have carried out almost 7000 lifesaving surgeries on children from over 70 countries at no cost to the patients. We also train medical personnel from developing countries in paediatric cardiology:140 to date.
With the opening of our new hospital, we will now be able to increase the number of children treated and doctors and clinicians trained.
Winners of the UN Population Award 2018. Mending Hearts – Building Bridges
Woodford Bridge Road
Essex, 1G4 5LN
The Fund, established in honour of the late Dr I Sidney Gold, first President of the Redbridge Jewish Youth & Community Centre, promotes the Doris and Sidney Gold/RAGS Scholarships. The driving concerns of his life were young people, Israel and Jewish community service and appropriately these scholarships combine all three elements. Selected Jewish students in the Essex area are assisted in funding a pre-university year on an approved study and training course in Israel with the understanding that they have a commitment to future communal involvement. The scheme’s success over nearly two decades has been the number of the Scholars who have become deeply involved in community leadership. Extra funds will enable more worthy young people to be assisted.
020 8802 2362
Step by Step
(0)20 8209 9104
Tikva UK
(0)20 7424 6431
020 8953 6474
UK Friends of Schneider Children’s Hospital
020 8343 5678
University Jewish Chaplaincy
N16 5DH
Yad Voezer is a helping hand for people with learning disabilities and their families. It manages:
• Two Registered Residential Care Homes
• Three Supported Housing projects
• A Day Programme in our purpose-built day centre
• Clubs & leisure activities
• Family Support
• Sweet Factory
N3 3LF
In Israel today, there are over 400,000 children who are deemed ‘at risk’ and who do not have a family that can care for them adequately. Youth Aliyah Child Rescue is stepping up for vulnerable young people by providing a ladder of opportunity that enables them to climb from a life of poverty, neglect and violence, up towards a bright, successful future as contributing members of society.
Through our five youth villages and pioneering educational methodology, the ‘Village Way’, we enable thousands of at risk children – including immigrants and children of immigrants from Ethiopia, the former Soviet Union and around the world – to live in safety, heal from their traumatic pasts and make the climb from survival to leadership.