Please click on charities in bold type to see full contact details and further information about their work, and to access their DONATE BUTTONS. Click on any advert to take you through to that charity’s own website.



0161 174 6678

Academy for Rabbinical Research

+972 9 745 1126

Access Israel

020 8806 7227

Acheinu Cancer Support

020 8731 8988

Achisomoch Aid Co Ltd

+972 36761166


+972 2 650 5276


+972 25852460

Adar Yehuda

020 8800 9899

Afikim – Israel Family Enrichment Association

020 8800 6688

Agudas Israel Community Services

07758 727 328

Ahada Bereavement Counselling

+972 50 5705251

Ahava Village for Children and Youth

+972 77 780 7810

Ahavat Rachamim

020 8385 3070

AJR Charitable Trust

+972 35 4620 760


07947 841 553

Alan Senitt Memorial Trust (The)

(0)20 8381 1717

All Aboard Shops Ltd

+972 25811120

All for Peace

+972 3 534 2221

Alzheimer Ramat Gan Center

+972 97430004

Amichai Association

+972 526682244

Amit Shikum

+972 2 652 4017

Amutat Keren Kagan

+972 26749911

Amutat Reut

020 8349 5754

Anglo-Israel Archaeological Society

020 8458 1284

Anglo-Israel Association

020 7449 0909

Anglo-Jewish Association

020 7284 5858

Anne Frank Trust UK

+972 86356618

Arava Institute for Environmental Studies

+972 2 651 1936


020 8349 6650

Assembly of Masorti Synagogues

+972 737050746

Association for Civil Rights in Israel

+972 4 866 0777

Association of Law in the Service of the Elderly (The)

020 8457 1118

ATID Lahaim

+972 29924980

Atzum – Justice Works

+972 54 432 2492

Aviv LeNitzolei Shoa

+972 547909390

Avnei Derech La’Haim

+972 8 52 760 8425

Ayelet Hashachar


020 7446 8660

B’nai B’rith UK

020 7603 5847

Balfour Diamond Jubilee Trust

+972 722155077

Barkai Center for Practical Rabbinics

+972 52 232 2336

Baruch UMarpeh

+972 52 476 7379

Bat Melech UK

020 8815 3920

Bayis Sheli

+972 48248173

Bayt Cham

+972 35187676


020 3746 3803

Bedside Kosher

020 8888 0891

Before Trust

020 8211 8081

Beis Brucha

020 8806 3336

Beis Malka

+972 4 832 3260

Beit Dina Home for the Elderly

+972 98891720

Beit Elazraki

+972 99557999

Beit Hagalgalim

+972 25619436

Beit Medrash Elul

+972 86288812

Beit Moriah Beer Sheva

+972 46988382

Beit Sabim

+972 35257001


+972 52 232 2336


+972 89777101

Ben Shemen Youth Village

+972 03 538 8446

Ben Yehuda Synagogue

+972 504147575

Bet Yishay

+972 50 34 4585

Beth David Institute

01623 383 627

Beth Shalom Holocaust Memorial Centre

020 3036 7204

Bible Lands Museum

0161 178 7898

Big Brother

+972 54 236 4422

Big Brothers Big Sisters of Israel

0121 144 4044

Birmingham Jewish Education Board

0121 144 6673

Birmingham Lubavitch Centre

+972 23698391

Birthday Angels

+972 25693111

Bnei Akiva Israel

(0)20 7543 5400

Board of Deputies Charitable Foundation

020 8805 0685

Boinei Olam – Tomorrow A Child

020 8090 5094

Boys Club House (The)

020 7486 0111

Brady Maccabi

01273 354 600

Brighton & Hove Jewish Welfare Board

01273 332 919

Brighton & Hove Lubavitch Foundation

(0)20 7486 7394

British Friends of Bar-Ilan University

020 8090 8421

British Friends of Boys Town Jerusalem

020 3400 1000

British Friends of Council for a Beautiful Israel

020 8457 2642

British Friends of Gesher

020 7167 9150

British Friends of Haifa University

020 8202 2282

British Friends of Hala Jerusalem Comprehensive Breast Center

020 8903 8746

British Friends of Israel War Disabled

020 8809 1756

British Friends of Kupat Ha’ir

07595 342491

British Friends of Migdal Ohr

020 7612 1240

British Friends of Or Chadesh

020 7330 0000

British Friends of Orchos Chaim

020 8953 0832

British Friends of Orr Shalom

020 8806 9636

British Friends of Seeach Sod

0161 166 3492

British Friends of Shaerit Israel

0191 420 4292

British Friends of Shema Kolenu

0191 478 6427

British Friends of Shema Kolenu

07076 826256

British Friends of Shemaya Trust

(0)20 8209 3010

British Friends of Shuvu

020 8455 4785

British Friends of Shvut Ami

020 3807 4229

British Friends of Sulam

020 3036 7000

British Friends of The Bible Lane Museum

020 8209 9880

British Friends of The Feuerstein Institute

(0)20 8349 5757

British Friends of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem

020 8207 2627

British Friends of the Israel Free Loan Association

020 8349 5129

British Friends of the Jerusalem College of Technology

07980 709715

British Friends of the Sheba Medical Centre

+972 2 585 6002

British Friends of Yad Ezra VeShulamit

020 8952 2752

British Friends of Young Israel North Netanya

020 8458 5391

British Friends of ZAKA

07985 744734

British Shalom-Salaam Trust

020 8458 2241

British Supporters of Ephrat

0161 165 1767



0330 822 0321

Campaign Against Antisemitism

020 8455 9591

Care for the Needy of Jerusalem

+972 50 834 4585

Central Library for the Blind (The)

020 7495 6089

Centre for Jewish Life

020 8554 1624

Chabad Lubavitch Centres NE London & Essex

0131 201 2010

Chabad Lubavitch of Edinburgh

020 7700 6974

Chabad Lubavitch of Islington

020 8800 0022

Chabad Lubavitch UK

+972 98653770

Chabad Netanya

(0)20 8203 8455

Chana Charity Limited

+972 52 766 1032

Chasdei Naomi

+972 46990122

Chasdei Shabtai

020 8457 2120


020 8800 0008

Cheer Up Squad (The)

+972 26337968

Chesed Neurim

+972 9 962 9100

Childhood Eye Cancer Foundation

(0)20 8800 7494


+972 39634362

College of Management

+972 4 697 0318

Committee for Ethiopian Jews in Safed (The)

020 8722 2120

Commonwealth Jewish Trust

020 8455 9960

Conference of European Rabbis

0141 162 2500

Cosgrove Care

020 7015 5160

Council of Christians and Jews

0161 172 8721

Council of Manchester & Salford Jews Charitable Trust


+972 25004732

Darchei Shalom Educational Center

07977 209187

Darkei Chesed

07977 209187

Darkei Chesed

+972 542503499

Derech Ami

020 7433 1339

Designer Crafts Foundation

0113 268 4248

Donisthorpe Hall

+972 97430253

Dror Association

020 8958 8760

Dysautonomia Society of Great Britain


020 8381 3339

Edgware & District Communal Mikvah

020 8908 4151

Edinburgh House (Beth Holim)

0131 166 3144

Edinburgh Jewish Board of Guardians

07970 029293.

Edinburgh Jewish Cultural Centre

+972 36013601

Educating for Excellence

+972 52 232 2336


+972 37686666

ELEM – Youth in Distress

+972 39336840


+972 2 561 9425

Elul Elu v’Elu

020 8203 6066


+972 3 540 0672 /+972 54 929 9499


+972 54 486 5014

ERAN – Emotional First Aid by Telephone

+972 99508371


+972 546474997

Et Laasot

+972 52 613 0728

Ethiopian National Project (The)

+972 52 232 2336


020 8445 6070


020 8806 3131

Ezer MiKoidesh Foundation

(0)20 8458 9999

Ezer Mizion (British Friends of)

020 8211 7999

Ezra Umarpeh


020 7435 0243

FD-UK (Familial Dysautonomia)

(0)20 8202 2263

Federation of Synagogues

0161 505 0203

Feinmann Trust (The)

020 3209 6006

Finnart House School Trust

0161 523 4663

Focus Foundation

+972 4 698 0345

For Galilee Cycles

020 8457 4444

Forum for Jewish Leadership Ltd

020 8438 6353

Friends of AMIT Women UK

0161 179 8106

Friends of Asos Chesed

020 8209 1319

Friends of Bnei Akiva Bachad

020 7372 6494

Friends of Bnei David

020 8802 2689

Friends of Bonei Olam

020 8371 5288

Friends of Hanoar Hatzioni

020 7432 1330

friends of ilan

020 8444 0777

Friends of Israel Educational Foundation

020 7935 5541

Friends of Israel Sports Centre for the Disabled

020 8203 7471

Friends of Jewish Servicemen and Women (The)

+972 9 950 5037

Friends of Miftanim

0800 075 7200

Friends of Nefesh B’Nefesh

01753 388 220

Friends of Progressive Judaism in Israel

(0)20 8211 1023

Friends of Rachashei Lev

020 7330 0000

Friends of Shavei Golah Charitable Foundation

020 8201 6661

Friends of the Federation of Zionist Youth

(0)20 7292 2060

Friends of the Israel Cancer Association

020 7486 0111

Friends of the Israel Opera Trust

020 7993 4857

Friends of the Museum of the Jewish Soldier in WW2

+972 49040639

Friends of the Neve Kineret Ram Homes

(0)20 7435 0836

Friends of the Sick

020 8800 6017

Friends of Torah V’Emunah

+972 4 982 7135

Friends of Western Galilee Hospital

(0)20 3397 3363

Friends of Yad Sarah, London

020 8340 1664

Friends of Yeshivat Shefa (The)

020 8386 4256

Friends of Young Israel North Netanya


+972 52 430 9848

Galilee Society (The)

+972 29922747

Gardens of Galilee

+972 89200182

Garin HaTorani of Lod

07855 744685

Gateway Action (Salford)

01753 364 737

Gauchers Association


+972 3 527 6497

Gesher El HaNoar

0800 998 9753


07506 702084


0141 127 0000

Glasgow Jewish Community Trust

0141 157 8200

Glasgow Jewish Representative Council

01582 540521

Goods for Good

+972 2 993 9917

Gush Etzion Foundation (The)

+972 3 534 7230



+972 3 560 8185 ex 733

HaAguda Lezchuyot haezrach beyisrael

020 8209 2111


(0)20 8202 2860

Hadassah UK

+972 52 836 1202

Haifa Rape Crisis Center

+972 46369443


01202 276 361

Hannah Levy Home

01508 847 002

Hashomer Hatzair

+972 256 30017

Hassadna Jerusalem Music Conservatory

07802 216 684

Hatzola Northwest Trust

+972 99506111

Herzliya Association for the Blind

+972 3 638 8653

Hevrah Lehaganat Hateva

020 7760 1000

Hidden Legacy Foundation (The)

+972 4 864 3818


+972 54 239 2574

Honest Reporting

+972 46860317

Hospice of the Upper Galilee

01482 266 375

Hull Jewish Community Care

020 8202 2282

Huntingdon Foundation Ltd


(+972) 3 6918403

I.D.F. Widows & Orphans Organisation

+972 89718494

Ilai Fund

020 8455 5059

Initiation Society

+972 42213500

Innovation: Africa

020 7424 9265

Institute for Jewish Policy Research

020 7679 3520

Institute of Jewish Studies

+972 2 650 5924

International Young Israel Movement – Israel

020 7414 0069

Iranian Jewish Centre

+972 26505924

ISEF – International Social Education Foundation

+972 52 344 9597

Israel Asia Center

01923 369 100

Israel Children’s Centres (The)

07974 481 2782

Israel Diaspora Trust

+972 52 232 2336

Israel Forum for Equality of Civil Right and Obligations (The)

01923 343 732

Israel Philharmonic Orchestra Foundation

020 8203 4195

Israel Special Kids Fund – UK

+972 36499440

Israel Tennis Association

+972 2 672 2618

Israel Trauma Coalition

07974 481 782

Israel-Diaspora Trust (The)

+972 52 232 2336



07546 429885

JAT (formerly Jewish AIDS Trust)

020 7009 9649

JCA Charitable Foundation

+972 77 202 3400

Jerusalem Hills Theraputic Center (The)

+972 2 623 4347

Jerusalem Music Center (The)

+972 52 621 6021

Jerusalem Rape Crisis Center (The)

020 8958 5390

Jewish Aged Needy Pension Society

020 8343 4156

Jewish Aid Committee

020 8905 4048

Jewish Association for Business Ethics

020 7323 4000

Jewish Association for the Physically Handicapped

020 8905 3125

Jewish Autism Trust

(0)20 8951 3881

Jewish Bereavement Counselling Service

020 8207 2627

Jewish Blind in Israel Association

020 7446 8771

Jewish Book Council

020 8455 0896

Jewish Council for Racial Equality (JCORE)

01707 737 732

Jewish Genealogical Society of Great Britain

0800 6529249

Jewish Helpline

020 7723 5852

Jewish Historical Society of England

07972 113 952

Jewish History Association of South Wales

020 7266 9966

Jewish Institute for the Blind, Jerusalem

020 7443 5101

Jewish Interactive

+972 1310 424 3670

Jewish Jumpstart

(0)20 8989 8990

Jewish Lads’ and Girls’ Brigade

020 3375 6248

Jewish Legacy

020 7250 3300

Jewish Literary Trust

020 8203 6311

Jewish Marriage Council

020 7724 7778

Jewish Memorial Council

020 8458 1710

Jewish Rescue and Relief Cttee

020 8455 0692

Jewish Vegetarian and Ecological Society

020 8349 7199

Jewish Widows’ and Students’ Aid Trust

020 8381 4901

jLiving (Jewish Community Housing Association)

(0)20 8158 5123


+972 54 523 6712

Job Katif

07519 980774

JSAS (Jewish Sexual Abuse and Support)

0161 850 3330 / 07572 171264


0208 079 1165


020 7266 1073

Judith Trust (The)

020 7433 8962

JW3 Jewish Community Centre London


+972 2 580 6119

Karmey Chesed

020 8455 8376

KEF Kids

+972 2 672 4878

Kehilat Kol HaNeshama

0161 708 0700


+972 99585496

Keren Beth Protea

0161 179 2327

Keren Hamitzvos

+972 2 563 1419

Keren Hanan Ayner

+972 26524017

Keren Kagan

07950 017 909

Keren Malki UK

020 8202 9689

Keren Yaldenu

+972 2 623 6116


020 8458 5836

Kesher – The Learning Connection

+972 35133400

Keshet Association for the Elderly

+972 544412848

KeyBooks Organization

+972 546807720

Kfar Hassidim Youth Village

020 8216 2100

Kibbutz Representatives

+972 3 648 1824


+972 49917444

Kivunim Special Needs Youth in Israel

+972 57 227 6054

Knafayim – Because Art Has No Boundaries

+972 54 331 1742

koach Laovdim

+972 2 622 2455

Kol HaIsha

+972 52 423 7526

Krembo Wings


+972 3 575 0753

Lahav – The Association for the Promotion of Social Values

+972 86513208

Lakia Association for the Improvement of Women’s Status

020 8905 6333

Larches Community

020 8802 7684

Law of Truth Talmudical College

01132 248 211

Leeds Jewish Education Board (Talmud Torah)

01132 203 010

Leeds Jewish Housing Association

(020) 8209 0526


020 8346 2890

Leket UK

(0)20 8349 5600

Leo Baeck College

020 7580 3493

Leo Baeck Institute

+972 36241776

Let the Animals Live

+972 25376666

Lev Malka

020 7631 9835

Liberal Judaism

+972 26310803

Life’s Door – Tishkofet

+972 29920947

Ligdol v’Lifroach Child and Family Services

+972 77 924 3777

Light Upon Education

020 8458 7965


01865 551 688

Littman Library of Jewish Civilization

020 8455 5938

London Academy of Jewish Studies

020 8349 9160

London Board for Shechita

020 8203 6427

London School of Jewish Studies

+972 49591808


020 8905 4141

Lubavitch of Edgware


+972 9027700


(0)20 8441 6051

Maccabi London Brady Recreational Trust

+972 86331198

Machon Torani Ayelet Hashachar

+972 18 100 947

Machsava Tova

+972 29999678

Magen LeYeledim ULeMisphachot

+972 52 601 4411

Magen Yehuda

+972 526014411

Magen Yehuda

020 7287 3830

Maimonides Foundation

+972 503398856


0161 183 9879

Manchester Jewish Museum

0161 174 1068

Manchester Jewish Soup Kitchen

+972 52 232 2336

Manof Youth Village

07855 539287

March of the Living

020 8349 8032

March of the Living

+972 3 562 4091

Maria Kong Dancers Company

+972 26429084

Marpeh Lanefesh

+972 25000755

Matnat Chaim

020 8144 5074


020 8455 9063

Medical Aid Committee for Israel

0161 196 4932


020 7386 8312

Memorial Scrolls Trust

+972 545533994


+972 88582033

Mercazei Yad Layeled

+972 8 925 5507


020 8953 6474

Merephdi Foundation

+972 25331661

Merkaz Yeshivot Bnei Akiva

+1 2029559070

Middle East Media Research Institute

+972 2 966 6621

Midreshet Eshel

+972 4 676 1038

Midreshet Hagolan

+972 2 996 3555

Midreshet Ma’aleh Hever

+972 23339756

Midreshet Pnimiyut/Tomchei Tmimim

+972 5) 212 3441

Migrant Health IL

+972 2 561 9765


020 3747 9960

Mitzvah Day

+972 9 774 6702

Mosdos Cleveland

020 8349 5686

Movement for Reform Judaism

020 3004 8994



+972 86479941

NALA Foundation

+972 4 692 4646

National Religious Institute in Safed (The)

+972 46462770

Nayadot Chabad

+972 3 607 2739

Ne’emanei Torah VeAvoda

+972 39329338


+972 35531566

Neeman Stroke Survivors Association

0141 162 2560

Newark Care

020 8673 3495

Nightingale Hammerson

+972 4 670 3983

Nirim Foundation

+972 35182410

Nissan Nativ Acting Studio

0161 178 7898


+972 54 797 7010

Nitzanim LeAtid

020 8731 7025

Noa Girls

07837 997 208

North West London Soup Kitchen

01159 962 038

Nottingham Jewish Housing Association


(0)20 8952 4717

Oasis of Peace UK

+972 46935754

Ohel Moshe Center

020 8800 2912

Ohr Hatorah Chassidus Library

+972 899 00844

Olim Beyahad

+972 54 2258886

Olim Beyahad

+972 52 232 2336

Olim for Improving Israel

+972 36021717

One in Nine

(0)20 8343 4156

One to One

(0)20 8371 1500

Operation Wheelchairs Committee

+972 52 232 2336

Or Hamelech

+972 2 571 4878

Or La Olam

+972 3 904 441

Or Menachem

+972 36181232

Or Netanel

+972 39 606 137/8

Or Simcha

+972 3 632 2133

Or Ve Haim

+972 35218352

Orthodox Scouts of Jaffa

0161 174 3456

Outreach Community & Residential Services

(0)1865 610422

Oxford Centre for Hebrew and Jewish Studies


(020) 8203 6427

PaJes (Partnerships for Jewish Schools)

(0)20 8455 4996 / 0161 507 5480

Paperweight Trust (The)

07806 636089

Parents of Jewish Gays and Lesbians

+972 36023300

Peace Now

+972 722313313

Pegasus-Society for the Protection of Horses

02920 048 327

Penylan House

0800 055 3276

Phone and Learn (PAL Charitable Trust)


+972 2 648 2757

Rabbis for Human Rights

+972 2 999 4716

Ramat Shilo – Ramat Beit Shemesh

0800 234 6236

Raphael – The Jewish Counselling Service

+972 28002000

Refua Vesimcha

020 3621 5464

Rene’ Cassin

020 8346 4000


020 8201 0800

Respite Kids

+972 3 695 0090

Reut Institute (The)

(0)20 8455 9579

Rishon Multiple Sclerosis Aid Group

+972 52 232 2336

Rosh Pina Community Center

+972 2 532 8534

Ruach Chaim

+972 523217969

Ruach Dromit


020 7289 2573

S & P Sephardi Community

+972 2 993 8423

Sadnat Shiluv Bat Ayin

020 8201 8111

SAGE Care for the Elderly

07960 078 603

SAJE (Strategic Alliance for Jewish Education)

020 8802 3819

Schonfeld Square Foundation

020 8906 4455

Scopus Jewish Educational Trust

0141 332 4911

Scottish Jewish Archives Centre

+972 86611360

Sderot Hesder Yeshiva

00 972 2 640 50010

Seeach Sod

(0)20 8958 0820


+972 52 232 2336

Sefer Torah in memory of Malcolm Restan

+972 03 688 6514 ex 6

Sela – The performing arts studio

020 7289 2573

Sephardi Centre (The)

+972 747131313

Shaalei Torah

+972 25378388

Shaarei Marpeh

020 3397 9837

Shabaton L’menucha

+972 542262667

Shaf Yativ

+972 3 602 3300

Shalom Achshav

020 8202 4005

Shatnez Centre Trust

+972 29963838

Shavei Chevron

+972 26720157


020 3670 1818

Shema Koli

+972 2 571 4878

Shemaya – Educational Program for the Hearing-impaired

+972 52 232 2336


+972 3375 14175

Shurat HaDin Israel Law Center

+972 547460626

Shvut Ami

020 8211 0901

Side by Side

+972 89364656

Simchat Halev

020 8455 7569

Society for Jewish Study

+972 36388653

Society for the Protection of Nature in Israel

020 8800 6687

Society of Friends of the Torah

020 7404 6559


(0)15 1724 3260

Stapely Residential and Nursing Home

020 8802 2362

Step by Step

0191 149 0195

Sunderland Talmudical College and Yeshiva

+972 99501544

Sunrise Israel

(0)20 7724 7434

Supporters of Israel’s Dependants

+972 29963584

Sussya – Bnei Akiva Yeshiva HIgh School for Environmental Studies


020 7112 4848

TAG London

020 7486 0111

Talia Trust UK

020 7495 6824

Technion UK (formerly the British Technion Society)

+972 4 633 3505


020 7813 1932

Tel Aviv Foundation

+972 25388665


01923 335 117

The Abraham Initiatives

07905 103333

The Sue Harris Trust

+972 9 796 5880

Therapeutic Riding Center of Israel (The)

+972 46443665

Tikkun Centre for Gathering, Education and Social Change

020 8912 1212


(0)20 8209 9104

Tikva UK

+972 2 631 0803


020 3375 0656

Together Plan (The)

+972 36194684


+972 25673722

Torah Hamishpacha

+972 26209022

Torah Mitzion

020 8802 6853

Trust for the Preservation of Jewish Cemeteries in Europe

+972 46924646

Tsfar National Religious Institute

+972 54 305 4051


020 8458 0416

Tzivos Hashem UK

+972 777756565



(0)20 7424 6431


020 7724 6060

UK Friends of Awis

07860 274706

UK Friends of Beit Issie Shapiro

07947 695136

UK Friends of Mayanei Hayeshua (now known as British Friends of)

+972 52 6633 766

UK Friends of Natal

020 8953 6474

UK Friends of Schneider Children’s Hospital

020 3305 8166

UK Friends of Yeshivat Hesder Sderot

020 3176 0048

UK Jewish Film

020 8444 0777

UK Society for the Protection of Nature in Israel

(0)20 7424 3288

Union of Jewish Students

020 8802 6226

Union of Orthodox Hebrew Congregations

020 8343 8989

United Synagogue

020 8343 5678

University Jewish Chaplaincy


020 8809 5700



020 7723 7246

Western Charitable Foundation

020 7636 7247

Wiener Library Endowment Appeal

020 7435 8921

Wingate Institute Charitable Trust

020 8346 6215

Wingate Youth Trust

(0)12 2374 1048

Woolf Institute

+972 26209012

World Bnei Akiva

020 7446 8500

World ORT

+972 22222052

WOW Foundation


020 8455 8394

Yad Eliezer Trust

07831 449695

Yad Ezra Veshulamit

+972 46826266

Yad Leyadid Bagalil

020 8457 1118

Yakar Educational Foundation

+972 25909160

Yashar Lachayal

+972 52534782

YEB Educational Programs INC.

+972 52 232 2336

Yeladim BeSicuy

+972 8658 0073

Yeshivat Hasder Yeroham

+972 526070488

Yeshivat Kfar Zeitim

+972 8 971 9935

Yeshivat Meir Harel

020 8211 1722

Youth Direct


+972 35707398

Zchor L’Yaakov

+972 35168877

Zecher Shlomo

020 8906 1318

Zemel Choir

+972 543454709


(0)20 8731 8150

Zichron Menachem UK

+972 25665574

Zimrah Vchesed

020 8202 0202

Zionist Federation Shalom Foundation

Ziv Neurim