Please click on charities in bold type to see full contact details and further information about their work, and to access their DONATE BUTTONS. Click on any advert to take you through to that charity’s own website.
0161 174 6678
Academy for Rabbinical Research
020 8806 7227
Acheinu Cancer Support
020 8731 8988
Achisomoch Aid Co Ltd
020 8800 9899
Afikim – Israel Family Enrichment Association
020 8800 6688
Agudas Israel Community Services
07758 727 328
Ahada Bereavement Counselling
For the past 25 years Aish UK has aimed to inspire a deeper connection to Judaism and to ensure a vibrant future for the Jewish people. Through diverse educational opportunities, immersive experiences and enduring relationships we share the wisdom and beauty of Jewish faith, practice and community – connecting with as many young Jews as we can, whatever their background, from when they are about to leave home until they build their own.
Today, Aish UK operates eight full time branches and provides educational opportunities at over eighteen schools, fifteen universities and six young professional hubs around the country, reaching and impacting thousands of young Jews each year. We also regularly distribute educational and video content through magazine publications,
020 8385 3070
AJR Charitable Trust
07947 841 553
Alan Senitt Memorial Trust (The)
(0)20 8381 1717
All Aboard Shops Ltd
020 8349 5754
Anglo-Israel Archaeological Society
020 8458 1284
Anglo-Israel Association
020 7449 0909
Anglo-Jewish Association
020 7284 5858
Anne Frank Trust UK
Since 2016, Arts Therapies for Children has been dedicated to ensuring every child has timely access to effective therapeutic support. Partnering with over 35 Jewish primary schools in London, Hertfordshire, and Manchester, we prioritise creating a safe, caring space within the school environment. Our team of qualified art, play, and child psychotherapists and counsellors delivers various services, including art therapy, play therapy, Integrative counselling, psychotherapy, and counselling, supporting over 180 children each week.
Emphasising the significance of therapeutic interventions in schools, we remain committed to providing essential frontline mental health services to vulnerable children who may not access support elsewhere.
020 8349 6650
Assembly of Masorti Synagogues
020 7446 8660
B’nai B’rith UK
020 7603 5847
Balfour Diamond Jubilee Trust
+972 52 476 7379
Bat Melech UK
020 8815 3920
Bayis Sheli
020 3746 3803
Bedside Kosher
020 8888 0891
Before Trust
020 8211 8081
Beis Brucha
020 8806 3336
Beis Malka
+972 4 832 3260
Beit Dina Home for the Elderly
One Bridge Lane
NW11 0EA
Beit Halochem UK is a registered charity which is responsible for raising funds for our four Beit Halochem Rehabilitation Centres in Israel. Beit Halochem is the only official organisation in Israel which looks after the 54,000 wounded IDF veterans and victims of terror. Our facilities provide a blend of exceptional rehabilitative services including physiotherapy, hydrotherapy and chiropractic treatments conducted alongside social and specialised sport options, educational programmes, and a vast range of creative activities.
At the core of Beit Halochem’s mission is the commitment to assisting these extraordinary individuals in reclaiming as much of a normal life as possible after making immense sacrifices to safeguard the State of Israel and its people.
Rutland Gardens
Ben-Gurion University of the Negev (BGU), led by President Daniel Chamovitz, is one of Israel’s leading institutions of higher educational learning. A recognised national and global leader in many fields, actively encouraging multi-disciplinary collaborations with government and industry, and nurturing entrepreneurship and innovation in all its forms. Since 2019, BGU has consistently been included in PitchBook’s top half rankings of 100 undergraduate programmes globally that produce the most VC-backed entrepreneurs.
Ingrained in the DNA of BGU is a strong social conscience. Over a third of students volunteer in one of the world’s most developed community action programmes.
Ben-Gurion University Foundation supports and promotes BGU.
108a Boundary Road
Founded in July 1915 in Whitechapel, Ben Uri has proudly been at the forefront of Yiddish culture and British art for over 100 years. The museum is the oldest cultural institution in the community. Today it is universally acclaimed for its role in protecting, acquiring, educating, and celebrating the artistic achievements of European Jewish artists, and sharing their rich contribution with some 400,000 people a year from across the cultural divides.
The museum has no endowment and no guaranteed income and relies on its own efforts and your generosity and shared vision.
01623 383 627
Beth Shalom Holocaust Memorial Centre
020 3036 7204
Bible Lands Museum
0161 178 7898
Big Brother
0121 144 4044
Birmingham Jewish Education Board
0121 144 6673
Birmingham Lubavitch Centre
+972 23698391
Birthday Angels
020 8805 0685
Boinei Olam – Tomorrow A Child
020 8090 5094
Boys Club House (The)
020 7486 0111
Brady Maccabi
01273 354 600
Brighton & Hove Jewish Welfare Board
01273 332 919
Brighton & Hove Lubavitch Foundation
By reimagining rehabilitation, ADI is advancing ability for all – empowering children, adolescents and adults with severe disabilities and providing cutting edge therapeutic and recovery services for anyone touched by disability.
ADI provides its residents and special education students with the individualized growth plans and specialized services they need to grow and thrive, its rehabilitation patients with the inpatient and outpatient treatments and therapies they need to heal and return to their lives, and the community at large with tangible opportunities for encountering disability, raising awareness, and promoting acceptance.
(0)20 7486 7394
British Friends of Bar-Ilan University
020 8090 8421
British Friends of Boys Town Jerusalem
020 3400 1000
British Friends of Council for a Beautiful Israel
020 8457 2642
British Friends of Gesher
020 7167 9150
British Friends of Haifa University
020 8202 2282
British Friends of Hala Jerusalem Comprehensive Breast Center
020 8903 8746
British Friends of Israel War Disabled
020 8809 1756
British Friends of Kupat Ha’ir
07595 342491
British Friends of Migdal Ohr
020 7612 1240
British Friends of Or Chadesh
020 7330 0000
British Friends of Orchos Chaim
020 8953 0832
British Friends of Orr Shalom
120 Regents Park Road
N3 3HY
British Friends of Rambam was established to support the largest hospital in Northern Israel, Rambam Health Care Campus in Haifa, a 1,100-bed academic hospital serving over 2.5 million residents.
Rambam Healthcare Campus is world-renowned for its vast experience in Oncology, Cardiology, R&D, mental health and treating trauma patients during peacetime and war. As the referral centre for 12 district hospitals and the only Level-1 trauma centre in Northern Israel, Rambam’s patient and staff population is diverse, including Jews, Christians, Muslims and Druze.
Currently prepared for any scenario, Rambam is home to the 2000-bed Sammy Ofer Fortified Underground Emergency Hospital – a 1,500 space car park in peacetime, which seamlessly converts, within hours, to a fortified hospital protected against missiles and other lethal threats.
Herzog Medical Centre, established in 1894 is Israel’s foremost centre for geriatric, rehabilitation, respiratory, mental health and psychotrauma care, treatment and research. Since the war started we have received close to 100 patients from hospitals in the South in order to make more beds available at hospitals in those regions. Our 160-bed sheltered emergency underground hospital has been activated.
We have dramatically expanded all of our mental health and psychotrauma services to help the thousands of people affected emotionally by the war. We are working with the soldiers, survivors of the massacre on October 7, and families evacuated from their homes, to assist them to begin to deal with the short-term and long-term mental health challenges they face.
Trustees: Jonathan Lauffer, Stephen Forman, Rachelle Goldberg, Michael Fertleman
020 8806 9636
British Friends of Seeach Sod
0161 166 3492
British Friends of Shaerit Israel
Theobald Street
Borehamwood, Herts.
Shalva, the Israel Association for the Care and Inclusion of Persons with Disabilities, is dedicated to providing transformative care for individuals with disabilities, empowering their families and promoting social inclusion. Non-denominational, Shalva’s programmes provide an all-encompassing range of services for thousands of individuals from infancy to adulthood. Additionally, Shalva supports and enables families to raise their children with disabilities within the family framework. Through more than three decades of award-winning programmes, Shalva partners with various institutions in advocacy efforts and is a leader in inclusion activities.
The Shalva National Centre’s advanced programmes and facilities create new frontiers in disability rehabilitation, research, and inclusion; defining new standards in the field and impacting the world beyond those in Shalva’s direct care.
0191 420 4292
British Friends of Shema Kolenu
07076 826256
British Friends of Shemaya Trust
(0)20 8209 3010
British Friends of Shuvu
020 8455 4785
British Friends of Shvut Ami
020 3807 4229
British Friends of Sulam
168 Shoreditch High Street
E1 6RA
The British Friends of the Art Museums of Israel (BFAMI) is a not-for-profit organization dedicated to raise funds to support educational programmes run by the Art Museums of Israel. These programmes share the rich artistic culture and history of Israel alongside prominent international contemporary art, with future generations across all strata of society. We focus our fund-raising endeavours to support educational programmes targeted at more vulnerable social groups such as children from deprived backgrounds, terminally ill children in hospitals and new immigrants suffering from negative social stigma to name a few. Together with these we support programmes reaching the gifted and talented, as well as Israeli soldiers.
020 3036 7000
British Friends of The Bible Lane Museum
020 8209 9880
British Friends of The Feuerstein Institute
020 8207 2627
British Friends of the Israel Free Loan Association
32 Hampstead High Street
Established in 1982, the Jaffa Institute is at the forefront of poverty alleviation in Israel. Our mission is to achieve a lasting solution to the poverty which has been entrenched within the communities of Jaffa, south Tel Aviv and Bat Yam for generations. In addition to providing educational programming designed to ensure that the children in our care graduate from high school and achieve a good standard of living as adults, our holistic approach also includes emergency and long-term care facilities for at-risk children, the provision of higher education scholarships to disadvantaged youths, musical enrichment programming, food distribution, vocational training courses and therapeutic care. Through over 30 different programmes, our services reach 4,000 Israelis on an annual basis.
020 8349 5129
British Friends of the Jerusalem College of Technology
07980 709715
British Friends of the Sheba Medical Centre
Lyttelton House, 2 Lyttelton Road,
N2 0EF
United Hatzalah is the largest independent, non-profit, Emergency Medical Service in Israel whose service is delivered solely by community-based, trained volunteer medics. It aims to plug the gap between when an emergency call is made and the time an ambulance arrives. Our average response time is just three minutes (90 seconds in some urban areas), providing the fastest emergency medical response across the country and, ultimately, resulting in many more lives being saved.
Our service is funded entirely through donations and is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week, 365 days a year. It is free to anyone that needs it, regardless of insurance status, religion or nationality.
+972 2 585 6002
British Friends of Yad Ezra VeShulamit
020 8952 2752
British Friends of Young Israel North Netanya
020 8458 5391
British Friends of ZAKA
07985 744734
British Shalom-Salaam Trust
020 8458 2241
British Supporters of Ephrat
0161 165 1767
221 Golders Green Road
NW11 9DQ
Camp Simcha is a lifeline to seriously ill Jewish children and their families throughout the UK, whatever their level of observance. We support children with over 50 serious, life-changing and life-threatening medical conditions, including, but not limited to, cancer, degenerative disorders, cardiac conditions, premature and sick babies, serious mental health conditions, rare genetic disorders, chronic illness and serious acute accidents or illnesses.
Camp Simcha provides bespoke practical and therapeutic support, as well as activities designed to bring hope and joy at the darkest of times. We help the whole family: parents, the seriously ill child and siblings, who are often the forgotten sufferer when a child is ill.
0330 822 0321
Campaign Against Antisemitism
Located on Kibbutz Sde Eliyahu, Campus “Habayta” opened its doors in August 2018. The goal of Habayta is to give young Orthodox Jewish adults, from all over the globe, a warm and supportive environment to start their lives in Israel.
Programs housed in the campus are:
Jewish Agency and MASA Hebrew Ulpan
Garin Tzabar: Lone soldier housing – during and after their service.
The word ‘Habayta’ means ‘home’. Campus Habayta is just that for so many lone soldiers; a home that embraces these young people, who deserve it.
020 8455 9591
Care for the Needy of Jerusalem
020 7495 6089
Centre for Jewish Life
397 Eastern Avenue
We are dedicated to serving the wider Jewish communities across Essex and strengthening Jewish life through a range of exciting, religious, social and educational-based services. This includes Chabad Aid Food Drive, now an essential project, supplying meals and food distribution to hundreds of families per month.
Rabbi Aryeh MBE and Devorah Sufrin, Executive Directors, as qualified counsellors, also spearhead addiction and relationship counselling, providing crisis intervention, education and prevention for those in need, with care, empathy and practical support.
Chabad Lubavitch remains at the forefront of Jewish life across Essex, seeking to increase its presence and impact. We currently operate four Centres: Gants Hill, Buckhurst Hill, Epping, Southend-on-Sea and seven dedicated families service these Centres and Chabad’s outreach programme.
020 8554 1624
Chabad Lubavitch Centres NE London & Essex
0131 201 2010
Chabad Lubavitch of Edinburgh
020 7700 6974
Chabad Lubavitch of Islington
020 8800 0022
Chabad Lubavitch UK
Chai Cancer Care is the community’s cancer support organisation, providing a range of services including counselling for families, individuals and couples; complementary therapies; children, teenage and family services; Chai in Schools; home support services; group activities and support groups and the Chai Medical Clinic. Services are available to cancer patients and their families in the flagship North West London Centre, South London, Essex, Birmingham, Hackney, Southend, South Manchester, North Manchester, Liverpool, Leeds and Glasgow.
Chairman: Louise Hager; Chief Executive: Lisa Steele.
(0)20 8203 8455
Chana Charity Limited
020 8800 0008
Cheer Up Squad (The)
(0)20 8800 7494
020 8722 2120
Commonwealth Jewish Trust
020 8455 9960
Conference of European Rabbis
0141 162 2500
Cosgrove Care
020 7015 5160
Council of Christians and Jews
0161 172 8721
Council of Manchester & Salford Jews Charitable Trust
P O Box 35501
CST is the charity that protects British Jews from terrorism and antisemitism. It exists to ensure that Jewish people across the UK can lead the lives of their choice. Widely recognised by police and government as a unique model of best practice, CST’s research regularly informs public policy, helps to safeguard wider British society, and supports victims of antisemitism.
CST gained charitable status in 1994, though its origins lie in many decades of Jewish self-defence – both before and after World War Two. CST does not charge for any of its services and is almost entirely dependent on charitable donations to cover its costs.
07977 209187
Darkei Chesed
07977 209187
Darkei Chesed
020 7433 1339
Designer Crafts Foundation
0113 268 4248
Donisthorpe Hall
020 8958 8760
Dysautonomia Society of Great Britain
220 Green Lanes
N4 2NT
Founded in 1994, the Clothing Collection Fund is a non-profit making organization. Proceeds from the sale of clothes and other donated goods are given to charities. Food parcels are distributed to the elderly and needy in the area. Sedarim are arranged and local projects are supported, helping handicapped children with learning disabilities. Good quality, unwanted clothing, bric-a-brac, toys, office/computer equipment and books are all required and we will be pleased to collect.
020 8381 3339
Edgware & District Communal Mikvah
020 8908 4151
Edinburgh House (Beth Holim)
0131 166 3144
Edinburgh Jewish Board of Guardians
07970 029293.
Edinburgh Jewish Cultural Centre
M8 9UE
Every day, thousands of Israeli women are asked to decide between paying their bills and having their babies. Over 35,000 women throughout Israel have abortions each year, often due to extreme financial stress. Together, we can change that.
Efrat has been giving hope to thousands of women each year to make sure they can continue their pregnancies and give birth to their babies with joy and dignity. Efrat provides over 3,000 women with all of the basic needs of a new-born including a cot, buggy, baby bath, and the promise of continued monthly support of diapers, baby formula and more, for 24 months after the baby is born.
Help us continue to grow – the cost of saving one child is £120 but any amount can help.
020 8203 6066
020 8445 6070
020 8806 3131
Ezer MiKoidesh Foundation
(0)20 8458 9999
Ezer Mizion (British Friends of)
020 8211 7999
Ezra Umarpeh
020 7435 0243
FD-UK (Familial Dysautonomia)
FJRO was created in1919 and in the last ten years has developed numerous projects in Israel in cooperation with The Jaffa Institute (education for children from problematic backgrounds) and providing food and clothing for deprived families; the Forgotten People Fund (supporting the Ethiopian community with education and equipment), and Karmey Chesed (supporting families in poverty and distributing food parcels). It makes a number of other donations to charities in Israel and England, particularly for Norwood and the Jewish Community Secondary School.
FJRO is supported by the Christadelphian Community for the benefit of ‘The Children of Israel’.
Please consider us when making a donation or writing your Will, so that we can continue to offer these essential services to Jewish
families in the UK and Israel.
Additional phone number: 07930 846135
(0)20 8202 2263
Federation of Synagogues
0161 505 0203
Feinmann Trust (The)
020 3209 6006
Finnart House School Trust
0161 523 4663
Focus Foundation
020 8457 4444
Forum for Jewish Leadership Ltd
Middx, NW4 3RR
ALYN Hospital, Israel’s ONLY comprehensive paediatric and adolescent rehabilitation centre, is recognized as one of the world’s leading specialists in the active and intensive rehabilitation of physically challenged children and young adults.
ALYN treats patients regardless of religious or ethnic background who suffer from a wide range of congenital and acquired conditions. More than 3,500 children, including some from abroad, are treated at ALYN Hospital every year. The ultimate aim of ALYN Hospital’s multidisciplinary staff is to rehabilitate the youngsters in its care and to return them to their families and to the community as quickly as possible having helped them achieve the highest possible levels of function, mobility and independence.
020 8438 6353
Friends of AMIT Women UK
0161 179 8106
Friends of Asos Chesed
020 8209 1319
Friends of Bnei Akiva Bachad
020 7372 6494
Friends of Bnei David
020 8802 2689
Friends of Bonei Olam
020 8371 5288
Friends of Hanoar Hatzioni
020 7432 1330
friends of ilan
020 8444 0777
Friends of Israel Educational Foundation
020 7935 5541
Friends of Israel Sports Centre for the Disabled
020 8203 7471
Friends of Jewish Servicemen and Women (The)
G46 7NR
Lubavitch is the largest Jewish educational institution in Scotland. It is committed to reaching every Jew regardless of age, knowledge or commitment and provides a very wide range of educational and social activities for Jews of all ages. These include Scotland’s only kosher restaurant, Shul in the Park, Monthly Friday night Shabbos Dinners and numerous social activities throughout the year
Counselling and support is given for terminal illness, bereavement, marriage guidance, and against interdating, intermarriage and missionaries, all in the strictest confidence. No person is ever turned away from activities due to financial circumstances. No grants are received from head offices in London or New York. Legacies are required to secure the future of our work.
0800 075 7200
Friends of Nefesh B’Nefesh
01753 388 220
Friends of Progressive Judaism in Israel
(0)20 8211 1023
Friends of Rachashei Lev
020 7330 0000
Friends of Shavei Golah Charitable Foundation
020 8201 6661
Friends of the Federation of Zionist Youth
(0)20 7292 2060
Friends of the Israel Cancer Association
020 7486 0111
Friends of the Israel Opera Trust
020 7993 4857
Friends of the Museum of the Jewish Soldier in WW2
(0)20 7435 0836
Friends of the Sick
020 8800 6017
Friends of Torah V’Emunah
(0)20 3397 3363
Friends of Yad Sarah, London
020 8340 1664
Friends of Yeshivat Shefa (The)
020 8386 4256
Friends of Young Israel North Netanya
Gateshead Talmudical College, popularly known as Gateshead Yeshiva, are proud of the 6000+ alumni since its founding in 1929. An iconic landmark in the Jewish world of learning as largest Torah Academy in Europe, Gateshead Yeshiva prepares students for the challenges ahead and has enabled many to take up positions of leadership in Jewish Communities across the Globe as Rabbis, Ministers, Teachers and lay leaders.
With facilities for over 400 students on campus, the Academy continues to provide grounded traditional education adapting to the ever changing challenges of the modern world.
The Academy has traditionally provided full and partial scholarships and will never deny a student the opportunity to shine due to financial constraints.
07855 744685
Gateway Action (Salford)
01753 364 737
Gauchers Association
0800 998 9753
07506 702084
Established in 2004, with bases in London, Manchester and Jerusalem, GIFT’s mission is to inspire and enable lifelong giving. Our schools’ programme sees a curriculum of impactful, thought provoking and practical sessions. Our B’nei Mitzvah giving sessions are fun, hands-on and educational, teaching giving at a crucial age.
Thousands of hours are given each year by GIFT’s volunteers, through the distribution of hundreds of weekly support packages to disadvantaged households. GIFT engages thousands of volunteers in myriad diverse opportunities from tutoring children struggling with school work; cleaning up our parks; offering practical support to families who face daily challenges, through home visits; prescription shopping, and befriending those elderly and living alone.
0141 127 0000
Glasgow Jewish Community Trust
0141 157 8200
Glasgow Jewish Representative Council
01582 540521
Goods for Good
020 8209 2111
(0)20 8202 2860
Hadassah UK
01202 276 361
Hannah Levy Home
01508 847 002
Hashomer Hatzair
07802 216 684
Hatzola Northwest Trust
The Holocaust Educational Trust works to ensure that people from every background, across the UK, are educated about the Holocaust and the important lessons to be learned for today.
We work in schools, universities and in the community to raise awareness through our Outreach initiatives, Ambassador Programme, Teacher Training programme and educational materials. Since 1999, our Lessons from Auschwitz Project has given over 45,000 post-16 students and teachers the opportunity to visit Auschwitz-Birkenau.
As global antisemitism rises and polarisation and violence escalate, we believe that education remains the key in combatting the world’s oldest hatred. Through our work, we will ensure that ‘Never Again’ is never allowed to ring hollow.
01482 266 375
Hull Jewish Community Care
020 8202 2282
Huntingdon Foundation Ltd
(+972) 3 6918403
I.D.F. Widows & Orphans Organisation
020 8455 5059
Initiation Society
020 7679 3520
Institute of Jewish Studies
020 8802 2469
Interlink Foundation
020 7414 0069
Iranian Jewish Centre
01923 369 100
Israel Children’s Centres (The)
07974 481 2782
Israel Diaspora Trust
Borehamwood, Herts.
The Israel Guide Dog Centre (IGDC), established in 1991, offers a beacon of light and hope for people with blindness or PTSD, and families of children with autism. The unique bond between a dog and its partner brings companionship, confidence, and ultimately independence for the partner, helping them cope with day-to-day activities, employment, education, social events, and travel.
We provide guide dogs for people with vision impairment and specially-trained service dogs for people suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder. And we also enable children with autism to have a higher quality of life by providing them with emotional support dogs.
We provide all our services free of charge and rely on charitable donations from donors in Israel and around the world.
01923 343 732
Israel Philharmonic Orchestra Foundation
020 8203 4195
Israel Special Kids Fund – UK
07974 481 782
Israel-Diaspora Trust (The)
07980 451912
Israeli Dance Institute (IDI)
116 Ballards Lane
N3 2DN
The Israeli Dance Institute (IDI) is a UK educational charity which nurtures the flame of Jewish identity with Israel at its heart, through Israeli dance. We develop special programmes, train teachers and youth leaders, and run classes for new and experienced dancers. We work with teachers in some 30 schools working with over 4,000 children in the UK. We run a major summer course, Machol Europa, which brings teachers and enthusiasts from around the world. More than 18,000 children worldwide, in Jewish communities emerging or distressed, benefit from this programme. We also have four performing groups, from children to adults, which represent the community at communal and interfaith events.
07546 429885
JAT (formerly Jewish AIDS Trust)
020 7009 9649
JCA Charitable Foundation
Founded by legendary Mayor Teddy Kollek over fifty years ago the Jerusalem Foundation’s mission is to shape a modern, unified and vibrant city by creating opportunities for all of Jerusalem’s population groups. Identifying and funding projects to aid and promote communal strength, arts and culture, future leadership and education, and heritage preservation. The Foundation builds philanthropic partnerships and matches donors to worthy projects, preserving the city’s past and laying the groundwork for a dynamic future.
The Jerusalem Foundation – Your share in Jerusalem.
020 8958 5390
Jewish Aged Needy Pension Society
020 8343 4156
Jewish Aid Committee
020 8905 4048
Jewish Association for Business Ethics
020 7323 4000
Jewish Association for the Physically Handicapped
020 8905 3125
Jewish Autism Trust
(0)20 8951 3881
Jewish Bereavement Counselling Service
(0)20 8371 6611
Jewish Blind & Disabled (JBD)
Bittacy Hill, Mill Hill East
Jewish Blind & Disabled transforms the lives of Jewish adults, aged 18 upwards, who have a physical disability and / or vision impairment through independent living and support. This is provided through our specially adapted mobility apartments located in one of our 7 unique, supportive developments or within their own home, through our Independent Living Advisory Service.
Demand for our unique offering has significantly increased since Covid and we expect this will continue for many years. As an independent charity that does not receive any government funding, it is only with the support of legacies and donations that we can continue to protect and support people that need us.
020 8207 2627
Jewish Blind in Israel Association
020 7446 8771
Jewish Book Council
Arcadia Avenue
N3 2JU
Jewish Child’s Day (JCD) is the UK’s leading grant giving Jewish charity. We have been transforming the lives of over 1.5 million children in need, worldwide, for 76 years.
We use grant funding to support organisations who help us to ensure that NO Jewish child should live in hardship, need, pain or suffering — anywhere. Each year, over 25,000 Jewish children rely upon us to save them from deprivation, disadvantage, abuse and neglect. We are there to nurture them and offer them a better, brighter future.
With your help, Jewish Child’s Day, will continue to support dozens of organisations providing medical, educational, therapeutic and humanitarian aid, respite care, protection, and poverty relief to children in need in the UK, Israel and worldwide!
020 8455 0896
Jewish Council for Racial Equality (JCORE)
Woodside Park Road
N12 8RP
Contact: Susan Cipin OBE, Chief Executive
Julius Newman House, Woodside Park Road, London N12 8RP
Tel: 020 8446 0502 / Textphone: 020 8446 4037 Email:
Registered Charity No. 1105845
Most of us will eventually face the trauma of hearing loss, or already have a loved one who is. With your help we can:
• Support families – from the devastating diagnosis of their baby’s deafness – and enable a new generation of deaf children to fulfil their potential and flourish
• Rescue older people living in care homes from isolation and loneliness and enable them to chat, join in activities and enjoy their final years
• Give lifelong care and support to vulnerable deaf and deafblind people
• Help more people to adapt to traumatic changes as they lose their hearing.
JDA enables people living with deafness to cope with whatever challenges life brings – as no other organisation can. We receive no statutory funding and depend on legacies and donations to provide a lifeline for the Jewish community and beyond.
Please find out more by visiting
Our considered response to the ever growing challenge of Jewish engagement is Jewish Futures: a singular strategic platform that creates and unites diverse educational organisations and initiatives, propelling each to ensure a future where every single Jew is meaningfully engaged.
To date and through our combined efforts, we continue to make a measurable and real impact on the shape of the Jewish community in the UK. Built upon decades of Jewish educational experience, Jewish Futures organizations represent a broad portfolio of dynamic and innovative initiatives and programmes. Each organization has a proud record of success in attracting, educating and inspiring young Jewish people.
A charitable investment in Jewish Futures is a palpable contribution to Jewish continuity that ensures bright Jewish futures.
01707 737 732
Jewish Genealogical Society of Great Britain
0800 6529249
Jewish Helpline
020 7723 5852
Jewish Historical Society of England
07972 113 952
Jewish History Association of South Wales
020 7266 9966
Jewish Institute for the Blind, Jerusalem
020 7443 5101
Jewish Interactive
(0)20 8989 8990
Jewish Lads’ and Girls’ Brigade
NW11 8HE
The Jewish Learning Exchange in the heart of Golders Green has now enthused the hearts and minds of thousands of young Jews for over 30 years! Our educational approach is to share a deeper meaning and greater relevance of Judaism in a way which creates a lasting impression in the everyday lives of our students. Our vision is to continue to inspire Young Jews across the UK through learning and education making Judaism relevant and meaningful in the 21st Century.
Our programmes in schools, on campus and with young professionals continue to make a meaningful difference to thousands of Jewish lives. Your support will ensure we can affect thousands more for many years to come!
020 3375 6248
Jewish Legacy
020 7250 3300
Jewish Literary Trust
020 8203 6311
Jewish Marriage Council
020 7724 7778
Jewish Memorial Council
Albert Street, London
The Jewish Museum London has an important mission – to surprise, delight and engage all people, irrespective of background or faith, in the history, identity and culture of Jews in Britain. We achieve this through exhibitions, our collections and award-winning learning programmes, drawing on the Jewish experience as a focus for exploring ideas in our multicultural society.
Celebrating cultural difference and the vast contribution of migrants in Britain more widely, our schools programme promotes tolerance and celebrates diversity, with the museum welcoming around 20,000 school children annually.
We need your support to realise the museum’s vision of a world free from antisemitism, where cultural diversity and the contribution of minority communities are explored, valued and celebrated for the enrichment of society as a whole.
Thornhaugh Street, Russell Square,
We are the Jewish Music Institute. We curate, educate and celebrate — bringing to life this rich seam in world culture. Our mission encompasses the music of the Jewish people wherever they are and wherever they have been, preserving and developing this great genre for the benefit of present and future generations.
We are an independent arts organisation that began in 1983 and moved to our current home at SOAS, University of London in March 2000. JMI brings Jewish music to the mainstream British and international cultural arena for people of all ages, backgrounds and cultures. In recognition of the value if its work, JMI has been included in the Arts Council England National Portfolio since 2023
020 8458 1710
Jewish Rescue and Relief Cttee
020 8455 0692
Jewish Vegetarian and Ecological Society
44a Albert Road
The Jewish Volunteering Network (JVN) is the only organisation in the Jewish community where people find a whole range of year-round volunteering opportunities within our community and beyond.
It doesn’t matter if you are looking for regular long-term, short-term, or one-off volunteering events, JVN offers opportunities across the volunteering spectrum.
JVN also provides critical volunteering support to many partner charities, offering training and management forums throughout the year.
JVN plays a crucial role enabling prospective volunteers to find the opportunity that best suits them from the range available on their website. There is also a support team available for those people that need additional help in finding the right volunteering role.
020 8349 7199
Jewish Widows’ and Students’ Aid Trust
020 8381 4901
jLiving (Jewish Community Housing Association)
(0)20 8158 5123
(0)20 8732 6100
For 120 years, JNF UK has played an integral part in Israel’s development, strengthening every aspect of Israeli life in the peripheries – from investing in infrastructure projects and employment opportunities to empowering the less able and underprivileged. We have built educational institutions, helped youth programmes, provided for people with special needs and brought life to remote desert towns. None of this would be possible without the ongoing support of the Jewish community for both Israel and JNF UK.
In this generation, Jewish continuity, engagement and commitment cannot be taken for granted. Studies have shown that immersive Jewish educational experiences have enduring impact on the life choices of young people.
Jroots exists in order to facilitate impactful Jewish travel experiences to places of historic significance worldwide. Jroots has a track record of success in engendering a powerful sense of Jewish pride and communal responsibility amongst its students. The flagship Jroots Poland trip has been adopted by schools, student groups and communities nationwide as the gold standard of Jewish informal educational experiences. Over 70 groups each year participate on such life-changing journeys, often involving subsidies of over £500 per student.
07519 980774
JSAS (Jewish Sexual Abuse and Support)
0208 079 1165
020 7266 1073
Judith Trust (The)
020 7433 8962
JW3 Jewish Community Centre London
020 8455 8376
KEF Kids
0161 708 0700
0161 179 2327
Keren Hamitzvos
07950 017 909
Keren Malki UK
020 8202 9689
Keren Yaldenu
020 8458 5836
Kesher – The Learning Connection
020 8216 2100
Kibbutz Representatives
333 Edgware Road
Kisharon Langdon offers education, opportunity and support for people within the Jewish learning disability and autism community, and their families, throughout life’s journey. Kisharon Langdon’s supported living and education services, together with our community programming and employment support services, enable everyone we support to thrive.
At the heart of all our services lie our Jewish values. We are committed to meeting unique religious and cultural needs, fostering an inclusive environment, and enabling the people that we support to realise their ambitions and aspirations.
020 8905 6333
Larches Community
020 8802 7684
Law of Truth Talmudical College
Herman Hill
Wanstead, London
E11 1UL
The League of Jewish Women is a long established charity founded in 1943. Our aims are to give service to the communities we live in, and to give hands-on help where there is a need, irrespective of ethnic grouping, gender or religion. We provide volunteer help in many diverse places such as schools, prisons, hospices and day centres. We work with other organizations such as Macmillan nurses, Witness and Victim Support and Jewish Care. We are the UK affiliate of the International Council of Jewish Women and therefore have worldwide links and are also affiliated to other national women’s organizations.
Follow us on Facebook:
Find us on Twitter:
01132 248 211
Leeds Jewish Education Board (Talmud Torah)
01132 203 010
Leeds Jewish Housing Association
020 8346 2890
Leket UK
(0)20 8349 5600
Leo Baeck College
020 7580 3493
Leo Baeck Institute
020 7631 9835
Liberal Judaism
020 8458 7965
01865 551 688
Littman Library of Jewish Civilization
020 8455 5938
London Academy of Jewish Studies
020 8349 9160
London Board for Shechita
020 8203 6427
London School of Jewish Studies
020 8905 4141
Lubavitch of Edgware
Shaftesbury Avenue,
Maccabi GB’s vision is for a healthy, active and proud Jewish community integrated within British society.
Our mission is to create inclusive sporting, community and educational experiences that strengthen Jewish identity, enhance wellbeing and inspire engagement in the Jewish community, Israel and beyond by:
Creating sporting opportunities that support health and wellbeing and Jewish identity.
Facilitating leadership, educational and cohesion-building activities, within the Jewish community and beyond.
Strengthening connections across the Jewish community and Israel, by creating community-wide experiences bringing people together.
Creating safe spaces where people feel confident and have the tools to address discrimination, criticism, harassment or other emotional or physical harm.
Engaging with our affiliates and partners at home and in Israel as part of the international Maccabi movement.
(0)20 8441 6051
Maccabi London Brady Recreational Trust
2 Dollis Park
N3 1HF
Magen David Adom is the Red Shield that protects Israel 24/7/365
Magen David Adom is Israel’s only national blood and medical emergency service, which was established long before Israel itself. For 75 years, Magen David Adom UK has raised funds to support this life-saving organisation which benefits ALL of Israel’s citizens during times of peace and war.
Magen David Adom’s Blood Service is considered one of the most advanced blood services in the world. The blood services team is responsible for the collection, processing and distribution of Israel’s national blood supply, amounting to approximately 400,000 units a year, keeping the country fully stocked and, in doing so, saving thousands of lives each year.
020 7287 3830
Maimonides Foundation
N20 9HR
The Malki Foundation supports hundreds of Israeli families who care at home for a child with severe disabilities. We provide them with the means to obtain paramedical therapy sessions, (physical, occupational, speech, hydrotherapy and therapeutic horse riding) which are essential for the children’s development, allowing them to acquire vital skills and independence and encourage their integration into everyday life activities, when funding from the Israeli government is unavailable.
For families in Israel’s peripheral communities where therapists are scarce and travelling distances are a hardship on the parents, our supervised therapists travel directly to the child’s home. The therapies we provide enable families to keep their child with severe special needs at home rather than succumb to institutionalisation for lack of realistic alternatives.
0161 183 9879
Manchester Jewish Museum
0161 174 1068
Manchester Jewish Soup Kitchen
07855 539287
March of the Living
020 8349 8032
March of the Living
020 8144 5074
020 8455 9063
Medical Aid Committee for Israel
0161 196 4932
020 7386 8312
Memorial Scrolls Trust
+972 88582033
Mercazei Yad Layeled
020 8953 6474
Merephdi Foundation
020 3747 9960
Mitzvah Day
020 8349 5686
Movement for Reform Judaism
020 3004 8994
104 Grafton Road
The New Israel Fund UK stands for a just, safe and equal Israel. We partner with and fund Israeli organisations that strengthen democracy and deliver a fairer society for all.
Through our work we:
• Empower minorities and marginalised people
• Defend human rights for Israelis and Palestinians
• Advance partnership between Arabs and Jews
Since October 7th we have provided immediate assistance and mental health support to over 30,000 evacuees and the most vulnerable, prevented violence in Mixed Cities and we are now working to build a different future, to train leaders who will bring about solutions for a democratic and shared future.
We hope you will consider joining our growing UK and global community built on support for Israel and dedication to our shared values.
0141 162 2560
Newark Care
0161 178 7898
020 8731 7025
Noa Girls
07837 997 208
North West London Soup Kitchen
01159 962 038
Nottingham Jewish Housing Association
(0)20 8952 4717
Oasis of Peace UK
44a Albert Road
At Ohel Sarah, our mission is to enrich the quality of life for 800 children and adults with cognitive and physical disabilities in cental Israel, by providing comprehensive, loving support in education, employment and independent living.
We provide care from age six until end of life, giving our members a home for life. We aim to to help each person learn and develop life skills, so they can become confident, independent and contributing members of society.
020 8800 2912
Ohr Hatorah Chassidus Library
+972 899 00844
Olim Beyahad
+972 54 2258886
Olim Beyahad
(0)20 8343 4156
One to One
(0)20 8371 1500
Operation Wheelchairs Committee
147 Arlington Road
ORT UK is part of the ORT global network, which has been transforming lives through education since 1880. From its origins, teaching impoverished Russian Jews essential trades, ORT has evolved to provide 21st century skills to empower people and strengthen communities. The ORT network reaches over 200,000 people a year in more than 40 countries through schools and training programmes.
ORT UK was founded in 1921 to fundraise for ORT’s international projects and teach skilled trades to Jewish communities trapped in poverty.
Today, ORT UK supports global projects through fundraising events. ORT UK is also bridging the gap between school and the workplace through its career-related programmes including the ORT JUMP Mentoring Programme and the ORT JUMP Employability Skills Programmes.
0161 174 3456
Outreach Community & Residential Services
(0)1865 610422
Oxford Centre for Hebrew and Jewish Studies
(020) 8203 6427
PaJes (Partnerships for Jewish Schools)
(0)20 8455 4996 / 0161 507 5480
Paperweight Trust (The)
07806 636089
Parents of Jewish Gays and Lesbians
02920 048 327
Penylan House
0800 055 3276
Phone and Learn (PAL Charitable Trust)
0800 234 6236
Raphael – The Jewish Counselling Service
020 3621 5464
Rene’ Cassin
14 Arcadia Avenue,
N3 2JU
Resource is the Jewish community’s go-to resource helping people get back into employment. We work with our clients to boost their confidence and build their skills, empowering them to find and secure the right job. Our highly skilled, professional volunteers and our small team of staff support over 1,000 people each year in their job search. Thanks to the support of our donors all our services are free. Dedicated advisors give each client expert advice and guidance, tailoring their journey of 1:1 support, workshops and seminars.
Based in North London, our services are available nationwide. Clients can access a wide range of services, including writing effective CVs and applications, networking, psychometric profiling, IT skills, and mock interviews.
020 8346 4000
020 8201 0800
Respite Kids
(0)20 8455 9579
Rishon Multiple Sclerosis Aid Group
020 7289 2573
S & P Sephardi Community
020 8201 8111
SAGE Care for the Elderly
07960 078 603
SAJE (Strategic Alliance for Jewish Education)
N12 2GD
Save A Child’s Heart is an Israeli based international humanitarian charity providing lifesaving heart surgery and follow-up care for children from developing countries, regardless of race, religion, gender, nationality or financial status. To date we have carried out almost 7000 lifesaving surgeries on children from over 70 countries at no cost to the patients. We also train medical personnel from developing countries in paediatric cardiology:140 to date.
With the opening of our new hospital, we will now be able to increase the number of children treated and doctors and clinicians trained.
Winners of the UN Population Award 2018. Mending Hearts – Building Bridges
020 8802 3819
Schonfeld Square Foundation
020 8906 4455
Scopus Jewish Educational Trust
0141 332 4911
Scottish Jewish Archives Centre
00 972 2 640 50010
Seeach Sod
(0)20 8958 0820
020 7289 2573
Sephardi Centre (The)
Theobald Street
Opening our doors in 1902, Shaare Zedek Medical Centre has been treating and caring for patients for over 120 years. With advanced medicine and compassionate care, Shaare Zedek is known as much for the dedication and commitment of its medical teams as it is for its internationally acclaimed centres of medical excellence.
Patients have nicknamed Shaare Zedek the ‘Hospital with a Heart. With close to 100 departments serving more than half a million patients annually, it is the fastest growing hospital in the region and continues to respond to the needs of Jerusalem’s uniquely diverse population. Shaare Zedek’s friends in the UK play a crucial role in enabling the hospital to maintain and develop its ‘innovative medicine in the heart of Jerusalem’.
020 8202 4005
Shatnez Centre Trust
020 3670 1818
Shema Koli
020 8211 0901
Side by Side
Woodford Bridge Road
Essex, 1G4 5LN
The Fund, established in honour of the late Dr I Sidney Gold, first President of the Redbridge Jewish Youth & Community Centre, promotes the Doris and Sidney Gold/RAGS Scholarships. The driving concerns of his life were young people, Israel and Jewish community service and appropriately these scholarships combine all three elements. Selected Jewish students in the Essex area are assisted in funding a pre-university year on an approved study and training course in Israel with the understanding that they have a commitment to future communal involvement. The scheme’s success over nearly two decades has been the number of the Scholars who have become deeply involved in community leadership. Extra funds will enable more worthy young people to be assisted.
020 8732 6145
Make your money work smarter and harder. SmartGiving™ is a tax efficient way of managing all charitable giving for individuals, companies, philanthropists, charities and fundraisers. SmartGiving™ can help with choosing the right charity, keeping track of how much you’re giving and making sure your donations are tax-effective.
With a SmartGiving™ Charity Account you can set aside funds so you can make a difference when you want to. It’s simple and stress-free.
SmartGiving™ also offers a HMRC approved Payroll Giving service and can support companies to set up CSR programmes enabling employees to raise money that can be matched through corporation tax profits.
When you give through SmartGiving™, you’re making a difference to causes that you care about.
020 8455 7569
Society for Jewish Study
020 8800 6687
Society of Friends of the Torah
020 7404 6559
(0)15 1724 3260
Stapely Residential and Nursing Home
020 8802 2362
Step by Step
0191 149 0195
Sunderland Talmudical College and Yeshiva
(0)20 7724 7434
Supporters of Israel’s Dependants
020 7112 4848
TAG London
020 7486 0111
Talia Trust UK
020 7495 6824
Technion UK (formerly the British Technion Society)
020 7813 1932
Tel Aviv Foundation
Crewys Road
Tel Aviv University Trust (TAU Trust) supports Tel Aviv University (TAU), Israel’s most prestigious and comprehensive institution of higher learning. TAU represents Israel at its best- dynamic, innovative, and forward-looking. With some 30,000 students, TAU offers 128 schools and departments across the spectrum of sciences, humanities, and arts together with Israel’s biggest and most influential medical teaching and research complex. The University’s senior faculty, 1,000 strong, conducts over 3,500 projects annually, at 400 laboratories.
TAU is recognised internationally for creating an innovation and entrepreneurship culture on campus that has spawned a great deal of inventions, start-ups, and economic and social development in Israel. TAU ranks an impressive 7th in the world for producing graduates that found successful VC-backed companies (Pitchbook 2023).
01923 335 117
The Abraham Initiatives
07905 103333
The Sue Harris Trust
020 8912 1212
(0)20 8209 9104
Tikva UK
020 3375 0656
Together Plan (The)
020 8802 6853
Trust for the Preservation of Jewish Cemeteries in Europe
020 8458 0416
Tzivos Hashem UK
(0)20 7424 6431
020 7724 6060
UK Friends of Awis
07860 274706
UK Friends of Beit Issie Shapiro
07947 695136
UK Friends of Mayanei Hayeshua (now known as British Friends of)
020 8953 6474
UK Friends of Schneider Children’s Hospital
020 3305 8166
UK Friends of Yeshivat Hesder Sderot
020 3176 0048
UK Jewish Film
020 8444 0777
UK Society for the Protection of Nature in Israel
(0)20 7424 3288
Union of Jewish Students
020 8802 6226
Union of Orthodox Hebrew Congregations
020 8343 8989
United Synagogue
020 8343 5678
University Jewish Chaplaincy
020 8809 5700
1a Frognal
Weizmann UK supports and raises awareness of the Weizmann Institute of Science in Israel. It is one of the world’s highest ranking multidisciplinary scientific research institutes. Its dedicated scientists are working on over 1000 projects ranging from Alzheimer’s to astrophysics, from cancer to computer science, from nutrition to nanotechology. They are following their curiosity to make discoveries that aim to solve humanity’s greatest challenges.
Our role at Weizmann UK is to fundraise to support the Institute’s invaluable work and communicate its scientific breakthroughs. We promote collaboration between the Institute and UK Universities and we encourage sixth-form students to take part in the Institute’s educational programmes. We host events to fundraise for and show-case the extraordinary work of the Weizmann Institute.
020 7723 7246
Western Charitable Foundation
020 7636 7247
Wiener Library Endowment Appeal
020 7435 8921
Wingate Institute Charitable Trust
020 8346 6215
Wingate Youth Trust
(0)12 2374 1048
Woolf Institute
Redbourne Avenue
N3 2BS
Work Avenue assists people in earning a living either through helping people into work or assisting businesses to develop and flourish. We create opportunities for everyone, at any life stage, in any situation and provide people with essential lifelong skills, enabling them to become financially independent to support themselves and their families.
Employment Support: enabling people to make informed career choices; training in employability and workplace skills; offering one-to-one information, advice and guidance, group workshops and larger events.
Business Support: supporting entrepreneurs to increase the long-term sustainability of their businesses through one-to-one advice and guidance, group workshops and larger events; access to start up loans; mentoring, and co-working space.
54 Crewys Road
We are the Jewish community’s humanitarian agency.
Inspired by our Jewish values, we save, support and empower people in crisis.
Founded in 1933 and proud to have rescued over 65,000 Jews fleeing the Nazis, World Jewish Relief today supports vulnerable people from marginalised Jewish communities and beyond, suffering the consequences of conflict and disaster to survive and thrive.
We work in 19 disaster affected countries and 23 towns in the UK. From conflict stricken eastern Ukraine to Afghan refugees in Bradford, and from climate migrants in Nepal to young women in Rwanda, our impact is simultaneously global and local.
020 7446 8500
World ORT
020 8455 8394
Yad Eliezer Trust
07831 449695
Yad Ezra Veshulamit
Yad Vashem UK Foundation supports the educational and memorialisation resources of Yad Vashem, the World Holocaust Remembrance Centre.
We annually sponsor 20 UK educators from Jewish schools and organisations to attend the International School of Holocaust Studies at Yad Vashem for their Teachers’ Seminar to enhance their skills at teaching the Holocaust.
Yad Vashem UK raises awareness through its Guardian of the Memory project, ensuring that every named Jewish victim has a memorial candle lit in their memory on HMD and Yom HaShoah.
Our successful Bar Mitzvah and Bat Mitzvah Twinning programmes ensure meaningful and well researched links are made between those who can celebrate these important Jewish life cycle events and young Jewish victims who tragically died in the Holocaust.
N16 5DH
Yad Voezer is a helping hand for people with learning disabilities and their families. It manages:
• Two Registered Residential Care Homes
• Three Supported Housing projects
• A Day Programme in our purpose-built day centre
• Clubs & leisure activities
• Family Support
• Sweet Factory
020 8457 1118
Yakar Educational Foundation
N3 3LF
In Israel today, there are over 400,000 children who are deemed ‘at risk’ and who do not have a family that can care for them adequately. Youth Aliyah Child Rescue is stepping up for vulnerable young people by providing a ladder of opportunity that enables them to climb from a life of poverty, neglect and violence, up towards a bright, successful future as contributing members of society.
Through our five youth villages and pioneering educational methodology, the ‘Village Way’, we enable thousands of at risk children – including immigrants and children of immigrants from Ethiopia, the former Soviet Union and around the world – to live in safety, heal from their traumatic pasts and make the climb from survival to leadership.